Page 55 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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Below is the Allocation and Actual Expenditures of Echague Campus from General Fund and Fund Cluster 05-SB-164 for the
               Fiscal Year 2015- 2020.

                                     Allocation                             Expenditures
                   Year                                            Total                              Total
                                  Fund 101          Fund 164                    Fund 101  Fund 164

                     2020        1,469,218.53     3,266,427.90   4,735,646.43   1,184,761.28  2,409,883.11   3,594,644.39
                     2019        3,558,000.00     6,313,746.82   9,871,746.82   3,554,666.98  6,301,867.26   9,856,534.24
                     2018        2,157,000.00     5,596,073.38   7,753,073.88   2,157,000.00  4,861,399.83   6,838,399.83

                     2017        2,215,000.00     3,812,000.00   6,027,000.00   2,215,000.00  3,655,431.50   5,870,431.50
                     2016        3,200,000.00     3.314,464.35   6,514,464.35   3,200,000.00  3,314,464.35   6,514,464.35

                     2015        3,602,000.00     3,827,686.25   7,429,686.25   3,602,000.00  3,827,686.25   7,429,686.25
               Source: Campus Budget Office

               ➢       The University has established a good practice of allocating budget in support to its research
               engagements.  This  is  reinforced  thru  the  University’s  linkages  and  research  networks  that  allowed
               additional  funding  supports.  In  2019,  a  total  of  Php  88,090,339  expenditures  dedicated  to  robustly

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