Page 56 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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maximize  research  outputs  and  related  research  undertakings  which  include  the  establishment  and
               operation of the Five (5) additional R&D Centers, research production, and technology generation.
               ➢       ISU invested majority of the RDE funds on agriculture and aquaculture-related programs and
               projects at 97.04%. The remaining fund is used for RDE on health (1.21%), energy (0.62%), higher
               education (0.77%) and public governance (0.37%). It is noted that 63% of the agricultural commodity
               investment is provided for livestock and poultry researches, followed by fisheries sector at 18% and for
               crops at 10%.
               ➢       The top three commodities with biggest amount of investment sourced-out from 2017-2019 are:
               goat  RDE  Program  with  Php  90,939,056.00  of  the  total  investment  (37%),  followed  by  freshwater
               fisheries  RDE  program  with  PhP  28,094,812.00  (12%)  and  dairy  cattle  RDE  program  with  PhP
               23,147,212.00 (9%).
               ➢       Considering the classification of RDE activities, 53% of the grant is used for applied research;
               while 12% of the total fund is utilized for basic research. Under the same period, the University started
               to promote and commercialized technologies generated wherein 6% and 8% of the grant are used for
               technology  promotion  and  commercialization,  respectively.  In  support  to  the  advancement  of  RDE
               community  within  the  University,  20%  of  the  grant  is  used  for  institutional  development  in  which
               laboratories equipped with modern equipment were established. Furthermore, 1% of the grant is for
               continuous capability building of researchers.

               4.      BEST PRACTICES

               The annual allocation of funds and utilization of Supplemental Budget for R&D.
               In  support  to  the  university’s  quest  for  excellence  in  its  academic  and  research  standing,  a  special
               budget allocation amounting to 10% from tuition fee income has been earmarked and approved by the
               governing board.

                The annual allocation is the mainstream source of fund. Guidelines and criteria are adapted in
               utilization of the research fund.

               Guidelines on Utilization and Item Allocation

                              1. Direct cost for R&D                                        65%
                              2. Support to Paper Presentations in conferences, fora etc.   10%
                              3. Capacity Building                                          15%
                              4. Incentives                                                  5%

                              5. Overhead/Operations and Support to Student Thesis Contest   5%
               ▪               Incentives are given to each of the faculty and personnel directly involved in the
               preparation of a project proposal approved for financial support by any funding institution.
               ▪               Financial and administrative support is given by the University for the
               Presentation of scientific papers by faculty and researches in national or international
               ▪               Financial support is given when research outputs are published in internationally
               peer reviewed journal and found in Thomson  Reuters International Indices  or (at least) Scopus-
               ▪               Research outputs published as peer reviewed books or published as chapters in
               peer-reviewed books are also eligible for financial incentives.
               ▪               Any University researcher who presented his/her research output in international.

               56  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   V :  R e s e a r c h / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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