Page 41 - Parameter IX PPP
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           D.5. EXTENT OF COMPLIANCE with the Team Recommendations for
           Area IX ―Laboratories in the last survey visit.

           AACCUP    ACCREDITORS’                      ACTION TAKEN                 PERCENTAGE
               RECOMMENDATION                                                       COMPLIANCE
          1. Policy/guidelines on proper  An existing policy of the                    100%
          monitoring inventory multi-          University on monitoring and
          media equipment may be               inventory particularly on ICT
          crafted and strictly imposed.        equipment has been

          ICT staff may be sent to             implemented and training of
          appropriate trainings to             staff are conducted to enhance
          capacitate them in monitoring  their knowledge on inventory
          and inventory.                       and monitoring of ICT

          2. Construction of an                A periodic maintenance of               100%
          appropriate drainage system          drainage in all buildings,
          particularly in buildings with       including road network
          laboratory rooms may be              particularly on Laboratory
          considered in the fund               rooms were reflected in the
          allocation.                          plan of the University.

          3. Comprehensive waste               The University  is currently            100%
          management initiatives may           implementing the  RA   9003
          be implemented, giving               policy particularly on the
          particular attention to the          segregation of waste such as
          issue on laboratory waste            degradable, non-degradable
          disposal.                            and recyclable waste of the
                                               university, such waste were
                                               collected everyday and dump
                                               at the provided landfill of the
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