P. 11

JP: What venue?                                         JP: Are you working on new material?

           Speed: Multiple venues.                                Codey: Yes…ALWAYS.

            Danno:  Throughout…from  the  Eastern  Shore  to      Speed: Later in 2018, we are going to release

           Virginia. We took a compilation of the best. This      another EP. We already have a lot of material

           has got to be one of the bravest things we’ve ever     that is prerecorded, but we are getting ready
           done. The “You and Me” song and video was a            to  go  back  in  the  studio  with  our  producer,

           huge leap of faith. It was well-received.              Steven Wright.

           JP: Are they the songs you’ve been playing?            JP: He is the producer on the last album?

                                                                  Speed: Yes. He did the acoustic album with us
           Speed: Yes. They have all been redone, reworked.       as well. I think he is more excited than we are
           You  wouldn’t  even  know  they  were  the  same       -- if that’s possible -- about the new stuff.
           song, unless you read the title.
                                                                  JP: Did that have to do with a change in
           Danno: We wanted the songs to have a different         the writers?
           sound, a different essence.
                                                                  Speed: Yes. It had a lot to do with that. It had
           Codey: We also wanted to show our musicianship.        to do with us getting together more often. We
           We wanted to make sure what we do, we do well.
                                                                  found a whole new outlet on where our music
                                                                  needs to go. We digging deeper into who we
                                                                  really are.

                                                                  Codey: The music has to be selfish. It’s great
                                                                  when  people  find  a  connection  because  it’s
                                                                  what we want to play. It’s what we want to

                                                                  Danno: I believe in the next year, people will
                                                                  really appreciate what we’ve done.

                                                                  JP: You have a new single coming out?

                                                                  Speed: Yes, “Dig.”

                                                                  JP: Acoustic?

                                                                  Speed: Yes. A lot different from the original.

                                                                  Danno: You know the original, right?

                                                                  JP: From your album “The Pawn?” Yes, I
                                                                  know that one well.

                                                                  Danno: A lot different…you may not recognize
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