P. 14

JP:  So,  about  the  only  thing  that  is  the        Codey: Touring.
          same is the lyrics?
                                                                  JP: Are you going to do a lot of touring
          Danno: Yes.                                             prior to the release of the new album?

          Speed: Some of the melody lines are about the           Speed:  Yes,  absolutely.  We  are  looking  at
          same. You are going to hear a lot of our musical        several big tours that we should hopefully get
          influences on this acoustic album.                      a chance to jump on with a lot bigger bands. I
                                                                  wish I could tell you which one, but we aren’t
          JP: Who would they be?                                  sure which one(s) are going to come through.

          Speed: Stray Cats, for instance.                        JP: If you had to choose, who would you
                                                                  tour with?
           Danno: The Beatles
                                                                  Codey: I think it’s different for all of us?
           Codey: Bluesy stuff, like John Lee Hooker.
                                                                  JP: That’s ok…one at a time.
           Danno: Buddy Rich.
                                                                  Codey: I have too many. I will do two, an older
           JP:  What  do  you  have  planned  for  2018           band and a modern band…Iron Maiden, and I
           outside of the new album?                              wanna  say  right  now,  Mastadon.  I’m  really
                                                                  digging what they’re doing and their new stuff.
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