Page 6 - The Formula eCookBook..
P. 6

After graduating from college, I decided to go to culinary school. So I packed up my bags, put my business on hold, and went to Apicius Culinary School in Florence, Italy. This was one of the best decisions of my life (other than marrying my husband and having my children). I not only loved going to culinary school, but I also loved being in Italy.
When I came back from Italy, I continued with my business. I taught cooking classes at cook- ing stores and in schools. I then took a job with a company as a restaurant consultant chef where
I created new recipes for start-ups as well as established restaurants around the country. I found my passion of developing recipes.
I left the restaurant con- sulting company to have a family and now have an amazing husband and two beautiful boys
who keep me busy creating recipes for them.
Coral’s Story
First and foremost, I am a wife and a mom of four amazing children. I also work in the medical  eld as an Obstetric and Gynecological Sonographer. My passion is helping people during the happiest as well as some of the darkest of times. Having seen so much in the medical  eld, I am amazed at how precious our bodies and how blessed the gift of life is.
Almost two years ago my third daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease after her second birthday. As hard and confusing as that diagnosis was, I decided that I wanted to master what a celiac life looks like and all that it entails. I created a positive and raw social media account where I was able to post products, encouragement, our journey and the every-day life of a family with celiac disease. I never wanted my little Chanelle to feel that she was any- thing less because of her diagnosis. Instead, she truly feels the opposite. She has an amaz- ing positive attitude and never complains if she can’t have something that someone else is eating. She is such a great example of  nding joy in di cult times.

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