Page 18 - Nile Explorer Issue 007
P. 18

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                                                                                 The birth history of semiconductors can
                                                                                 be traced back to the invention of the
                                                                                rectifier  (AC-DC converter)  in  1874.
                                                                                Decades later, Bardeen and Brattain at
                                                                                Bell Laboratories in the US invented the
                                                                                point-contact transistor in  1947,  and
                                                                                Shockley invented the junction transis-
                                                                                tor in 1948. This heralded the arrival of
                                                                                the transistor era. In 1946, the Universi-
                                                                                ty  of  Pennsylvania  in  the  US built  a
                 	                                                             computer was so large that its vacuum

                                                                                computer using the vacuum tubes. The
                                                                                tubes occupied the entire building, and
         	                                                                      it consumed a huge amount of electrici-
                                                                                ty and produced a lot of heat. Later, the
                                                                                innovative transistor  calculator (com-
       Œ   	                                                                    puter) was  developed,  and since then
                                                                                computers have grown by leaps and
                                                                                bounds. In 1956,  the Nobel Prize in
      O     ur lives have become  digital.  An   tors  back into  the  deserved  spotlight.   Physics was awarded jointly to Shock-
                                                                                ley, Bardeen  and  Brattain  for their
                                            AI’s potential  market  of  hundreds of
            Amazon  Echo wakes us up and
       answers questions about the  weather   zettabytes and trillions of dollars relies   contribution to semiconductor research
                                                                                and the development of the transistor.
       and traffic. Google Maps tells us the best   on  new  semiconductor  architectures
       way to get to a meeting. Yelp finds the   and compute  platforms. Making  these   Silicon Valley, in the southern San Fran-
       best nearby restaurant.  A Tweet  now   AI semiconductor engines will require a   cisco Bay Area of California – home to
       even informs us of the latest change in   wildly innovative range of new materi-  Apple, Facebook and Google, as well as
       government policy, just as paper money   als, equipment, and design methodolo-  many other start-up and global technol-
       is becoming antiquated  the  era of the   gies.                          ogy companies –  continues  to be the
       corona virus, where money is listed as a   As we step into the dawn of AI’s poten-  centre  of  the  global semiconductor
       suspected transmitter. It’s a  digital   tial, we can see that the coming Cogni-  microchip  industry. It  is  led  by  Intel,
       world that we live in – and the world   tive Era will drive its own exponential   which developed the world’s first metal
       already takes it for granted.        growth curve. This is great for the world   oxide  semiconductor, and  spurred  the
       The digital world only works because of   – virtually every industry will be trans-  development  of  the  global home PC
       the semiconductors and because of the   formed, and people’s lives will get better   market with the launch of its Pentium
       integrated  electronics manufacturing   – as industry efficiencies improve made   microprocessor in 1993.
       supply chain which make the materials   possible by AI.

       and equipment that, in turn, make the   But what is a semi-conductor? A semi-  Technology is one of the most dynamic
       chips that become the beating hearts of   conductor  is a  material  with  electrical   industries, as trends keep changing. The
       the digital economy.                 properties that make it good at conduct-  semiconductor industry  often is the

       But, semiconductors are largely invisi-  ing  electricity  under  some  conditions   first to feel the impact of a technology
       ble – hidden  away under  and  inside  a   and less good under others. Silicon and   shift, as innovation starts there. In the
       smart  speaker, locked deep within  a   germanium are materials with semi   last decade, and the on we have entered;
       phone, buried in data centers and out of   conducting  properties, which  include   the semiconductor industry is undergo-
       view. So, whenever you think  of, the   passing current  more easily in  one   ing its fourth technology shift towards
       internet  companies   like  Google,  direction  than  another, variable resis-  AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (Inter-
       Amazon, Alibaba,  Tencent, and  Face-  tance,  and  sensitivity  to  heat  or  light.   net of Things.  •
       book who have taken most of the credit   Along with gallium, silicon and germa-
       for our digital  world, think  the   nium are the materials most widely used
       semi-conductor.                      as semiconductors in electronic devices.
       Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  is changing   Modern electronics stems  from  the
       everything – and bringing semiconduc-  development of the transistor in 1947,
                                            with  the  integrated circuit  following
                                            just over a decade later in 1958.
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