Page 25 - Nile Explorer Issue 007
P. 25


        A   cross  Africa, officials are bracing

            for a rapid spread of the COVID
        19 virus, whose spread could devastate
        the region, which accounts for 16% of
        the  global population  but just 1% of
        health-care  spending.  While  govern-
        ments are placing the citizenry  into
        lockdowns there’s little money for
        ventilators  and  other  life-support
        equipment  needed  for severe cases of
        Covid-19,  just  us  there are no visible
        and  dependable  plans for the  much  As expected sustained fight against the  tries with strong links to China, the
        needed protective gear (PPE’s) for health  coronavirus will certainly steer resourc-  region’s top trading partner.
        workers.                            es away from malaria and  HIV, and   Looking  at  the  map of  Africa  on  the
        According the WHO lockdowns are not  many other diseases that bedevil Africa,   COVID  19 tracker, there areas where
        the solution; rather surveillance, contact  killing  hundreds of  thousands every   cases have not been detected, according
        tracing, quarantine, isolation and mass  year. If Italy, with 41 doctors per 10,000   to experts, this  may mean two things,
        testing  is what  will  work for Africa.  people, is struggling  to  contain  the   either this places are so disconnected to
        Unfortunately,  the continent  lacks  disease, the threat to Africa is real, and   the rest of the world, or may be a reflec-
        testing capacities, relying on the benev-  could led to the total collapse of health   tion  that  they  may not  be having  the
        olence of developed countries  and  systems in many countries, the disease   capability to test.
        China, with the WHO providing a limit-  was to  sweep  across Africa  with  its
        ed number of test kits.             struggling Health-Care Systems.     Health  authorities  fret  that  efforts to
                                                                                fight  the  coronavirus  will  indirectly
        The Jack Ma Foundation and the Aliba-  Nigeria  is where the  virus  first  made   contribute to an increase in deaths from
        ba Foundation  boosted  Africa's  landfall in sub-Saharan Africa, on Feb.   illnesses such as malaria, which kills
        response to  the  coronavirus  disease  27, when an Italian businessman tested   about 400,000  Africans a year. The
        outbreak after  the donating  medical  positive in Lagos, the country’s sprawl-  2014-16  Ebola  epidemics,  which left
        equipment, including  over 1.5 million  ing, congested commercial capital. It has   more than  11,000  dead, highlights  the
        laboratory diagnostic test kits and over  since appeared in an estimated 30 coun-  risk  of  COVID 19  overwhelming
        100  tons  of  infection  prevention  and  tries since, sparking a flurry of respons-  health-care systems.
        control goods. The shipment was deliv-  es to try and control the spread of the
        ered in Addis Ababa, the African Union  disease. All countries on the continent   At the heart of the poor state of health in
        headquarters.                       have set up has set up isolation facilities,   Africa  lies  a  failure  to  tackle  extreme
                                                                                poverty. Today, 46% of  the  population
        The relief initiative was launched  by   activated emergency operations, with   live on less than $1 (£0.55; €0.82) a day,
                                            may declaring  lockdowns to minimize
        Abiy Ahmed,  the prime minister  of   movement   and  crowding  of  people.   a greater proportion than 15 years ago.
        Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Jack   Meanwhile, The International  Mone-  The failure to tackle poverty is due to
        Ma Foundation and the Alibaba Foun-  tary Fund on March 4 pledged to make   several inter-related factors, mainly
        dation, as part of actions toward imple-  $10 billion available at zero interest to   economic  stagnation,  the  debt  crisis,
        mentation of the Africa joint continen-  help poor countries, especially in Africa,   corruption and wastage.
        tal strategy for coronavirus, led by the   deal with the virus. The World Health
        African  Union  through the Africa   Organization  has supplied testing   The situation  was  made worse  in  the
        Centers for Disease Control and     equipment and training throughout the   90s, when governments were forced by
        Prevention (Africa CDC).                                                IMF to adopt painful structural adjust-
                                            continent  while  focusing  on  13 coun-  ment  programmes.  These required
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