Page 34 - Issue 9
P. 34

the 100th anniversary of the People’s   adopted in 2016 that provides long-range   from “policy lenders” so called because
          Republic of China.                implementing guidance in five-year   their  lending  decisions  are  responsive
                                            increments, calls for the “construction   to  presidential  and  geostrategic
          All of China’s leaders have advanced this   of maritime hubs” to safeguard China’s   preferences. They include the China
          quest since the founding of the People’s   “maritime rights and interests” as it   Development Bank and the Export-
          Republic of China, but the pursuit has   embarks on laying a “foundation for   Import  Bank  of  China  (Exim  Bank),
          accelerated under President Xi Jinping.   maritime Great Power status” by 2020.   which have committed over $1 trillion.
          strategic Rationale               The centenary of the founding of the
          OBOR directly supports many elements   People’s Republic of China, 2049, has   The Silk Road Fund holds $40 billion
                                                                               in investment funds and is supervised
          of China’s national security strategy. At   been set as the year when it will become   by China’s Central Bank. The Asia
          a macro level, it seeks to reshape the   the world’s “main maritime power”.   Infrastructure Investment Bank, whose
          world economic order in ways that are   Accordingly, China’s drive to acquire   remit now includes Africa, has a capital
          conducive to Beijing’s drive for Great   port access and secure supply are likely   base of $100 billion.  Additional funds
          Power status. One Belt One Road has two   to intensify alongside the expansion of   come from China’s foreign exchange
          components. The  Silk Road Economic   the Maritime Silk Road. In 2010, only   reserves and its sovereign wealth fund,
          Belt establishes six land corridors   one-fifth of the world’s 50 largest deep   which hold $7 trillion and $220 billion,
          connecting China’s interior to Central   water ports had any Chinese investment.   respectively.
          Asia and Europe. It includes railroads to
          Europe,  oil  and gas pipelines  from  the   By 2019, it had increased to two-thirds.   Rising Concerns about Chinese
          Caspian Sea to China, and a high-speed   The China Ocean Shipping Company,   projects and debt
          train network connecting Southeast   which  controls most Chinese overseas
          Asia to China’s eastern seaboard.  port holdings, is now the World’s fourth   Hostility is rising in many countries
                                            largest shipping fleet. Beijing’s merchant   toward  policies  that favor Chinese
           The Maritime Silk                                                            workers    over    locals
          establishes three                                                              in   construction  and
          “blue  economic                                                                infrastructure contracts. This
          passages” knitted                                                              has been most prominent in
          together through                                                               African countries, such as
          a chain of sea                                                                 Ethiopia,  Kenya,  Tanzania,
          ports  from  the                                                               Uganda, and Zambia, to
          South China Sea                                                                name a few. Fourth, some
          to Africa that also                                                            of Beijing’s rivals in Asia
          direct trade to and                                                            and around the world are
          from China.                                                                    increasingly uneasy  about
                                                                                         what they see as an effort
          One  Belt  One                                                                 to  use  OBOR  to  expand
          Road       also                                                                China’s military posture and
          in cr e a s es                                                                 political leverage.
          Beijing’s control
          of critical global                                                             As the early focus of One
          supply   chains                                                                Belt  One Road,  East Africa
          and its ability to   The Chinese built electric railway from Addis Ababa to Djibouti  has developed into a central
          redirect the flow of                                                          node  in   the  Maritime
          international trade.                                                          Silk Road, connected by
          Central to these efforts are moves to   marine has quadrupled since to become   planned and finished ports, pipelines,
          open new sea lines of communication   the world’s second largest. It now   railways, and power plants built and
          and expand China’s strategic port access   moves more global cargo that any other   funded by Chinese companies and
          around the world. In 2017, Chinese   country.                        lenders. A standard gauge railway
          state-owned companies  announced   As a party political instrument, OBOR   connecting Mombasa to Nairobi—the
          plans to buy or secure majority stakes   strengthens Xi’s authority at home. It is a   biggest investment in Kenya since its
          in  near overseas ports,  all  located  in   central element of “Xi Jinping Thought,”   independence—is a flagship OBOR
          regions where China plans to develop   which is inscribed in the state and party   project in East Africa.
          new sea lanes. This is in addition to the   constitutions as a guiding philosophy.
          40 ports in Africa, Asia, and Europe in   This  further  enables  Xi  to  marshal   The electric railway from Addis Ababa
          which Chinese state-owned firms hold   every resource at his disposal to see his   to Djibouti, where China established
          stakes worth a combined $40 billion.  signature program through.     its first overseas naval base and has
                                                                               stakes in a strategic deep water port, is
          China’s 13  Five Year Plan, a document   Funding for One Belt One Road comes   another.  From Djibouti, the Maritime

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