Page 5 - Issue 9
P. 5


          Strive Museyiwa:

          Profile of an

          eminent African


                                                               Strive Masiyiwa

            trive Masiyiwa is a London-     The family settled in Kitwe, a city in   business, known as Econet Wireless.
         Sbased     Zimbabwean   billionaire  north central Zambia known for its
          businessman, and philanthropist. He   copper mines. Masiyiwa’s mother was   Masiyiwa  listed  Econet  Wireless
          is the founder and executive chairman   an entrepreneur. His father worked at   Zimbabwe in July 1998 on the local
          of the telecommunications, technology   first in one of the nearby mines but later   stock exchange as a gesture of thanks to
          and renewable energy company Econet   joined the family business. By the time   reward the thousands of ordinary people
          Global. He has won numerous accolades   Masiyiwa was 12 years old, his parents   who supported him during his long
          and gained international recognition for   could afford to provide him with a   legal battles against the Zimbabwean
          his business expertise and philanthropy,   coveted European education.  government. Today, Econet Wireless
          and is considered one of Africa’s most                               Zimbabwe has gone on to become a
          generous humanitarian.            They sent him to private school in   major business that dominates the
                                            Edinburgh,   Scotland,  graduating  Zimbabwe economy. It is currently the
          Masiyiwa has used his wealth to provide   in 1978, and later earning a degree   second-largest company in Zimbabwe
          scholarships to over 250,000 young   in Electrical Engineering from the   by market capitalization.
          Africans over the past 20 years through   University of Wales in 1983.  He worked
          his family foundation.  He supports   briefly  in  the  computer  industry  in   In March 2000, fleeing persecution
          over  40,000 orphans with  educational   Cambridge, England, but soon returned   from the local authorities, Masiyiwa
          initiatives, as well as sponsoring students   to Zimbabwe in 1984, hoping to aid   left Zimbabwe, never to return to the
          at universities in America, The United   the country’s recovery after the war of   country, and moved first to South Africa,
          Kingdom, and China.               independence it had won in 1980.   where he founded The Econet Wireless
                                                                               Group, a new and completely separate
          Over the last few years, Masiyiwa has   Strive Masiyiwa returned to his native   organization to the listed Zimbabwean
          devoted his time to mentoring the next   Zimbabwe in 1984 after a 17-year   entity.
          generation of African entrepreneurs on   absence. After working briefly as a
          Facebook. Facebook has identified his   telecoms engineer for the state-owned   His main interest remained in telecoms.
          platform as having the most engaged   telephone company, he quit his job   Some of the key businesses that he
          following of any business leader in the   and set up his own company with the   established with partners included
          world. Masiyiwa also funds initiatives in   equivalent of US$75      Econet Wireless International, Econet
          public health and agriculture across the                             Wireless Global, Mascom Wireless
          African continent.                In five years, he had emerged as  one   Botswana, Econet Wireless Nigeria (now
                                            of the country’s leading industrialists,   Airtel Nigeria), Econet Satellite Services,
          Strive Masiyiwa was born in Zimbabwe   having built a large electrical engineering   Lesotho Telecom, Econet Wireless
          on 29 January 1961. He attended primary   business. The emergence of mobile   Burundi, Econet Wireless South Africa,
          school in Zambia before completing   cellular telephony led him to diversify   Solarway, and Transaction Processing
          his secondary education in Scotland.   into telecoms, but he soon ran into   Systems (TPS) and bought interest in
          When he was seven, his family had fled   major problems when the Zimbabwean   Rwanda Telecom,
          the country as Ian Smith’s embattled   government  of Robert Mugabe refused
          government began to crumble.      to give him a license to operate his   He also has interests in mobile operations

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