Page 7 - Issue 9
P. 7
Opinion & Views
Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng-Akuey
Riek Machar and President Salva Kiir
Peace and Security:
The common prayers of the majority South
Let’s hope for the best, as we thank God security agenda, seem be half-heartedly reorganized, united and integrated.
for giving us the R-ARCSS, signed on committed. To be exact in my readings, These challenges are so huge and so
12 September 2018, by the then warring SPLM IO and SSOA are gambling on much that the main political parties’
parties (the -SPLM, SPLM IO and which agenda?: Peace and security or leaders, cannot solve alone without
SSOA). that of “regime change.” public commitment and necessary
And as the people of South Sudan They have already succeeded by
continue to be affected and devastated dissolving the 32 states and sanctioning To be exact and honest, the problems
by traumatic insecurity, lack of food, official supporters of President Salva Kiir facing the Presidency and R-TGoNU,
death and poverty; our expectations are through the Sentry “Enough project.” are getting worse during this COVID-19
that government leaders will bail us out These parties are not in peace with the pandemic period. First, the pandemic
of the suffering on which wishes hang SPLM, but have devised strategic change has done away with the only National
on smooth implementation of the peace of approach towards the “Kiir must go” source of revenues: (a) oil markets prices
deal “in letter and spirit” and in good mantra” internationally are down, (b) no exports
faith. Yes, the evidence shows that some or imports duties, (c) food production
Our expectations are that inclusive and criticisms are constructive in terms of failed last year, thus causing severe
hunger, (d) repatriation, rehabilitation
concerted efforts are needed for the power sharing, but, seriously, domestic and resettlement of 6 million returning
R-ARCSS to succeed. Moreover, without and international critics pose a targeting
collective commitment, honesty, trust and destructive campaign against our refugees and internally displaced
and confidence among the leaders and country, and its founding leadership. persons (IDPs), (e) pushing the country
into acute poverty.
the affected citizens,, the “expectations For instance, the call that: “Kiir and Riek
for a peaceful and stable country shall are excluded from unity Government!” In a nutshell, our country is financially
never be achieved. That would means the R-ARCSS could handicapped to fund the implementation
collapse. of R-ARCSS, let alone the humanitarian
There is a belief, currently, that the disaster, in terms of hunger, internal
political parties: the SPLM, SPLM We are very much aware that South
IO and SSOA in the Presidency and Sudan is a fragile, and socially, politically homelessness and coming back of
R-TGoNU, are not united in a singular and economically weak, thus facing refugees from the neighbouring
agenda of “peace and security per se, but compounded problems of livelihood in countries. But, the good thing is that,
the politicians are not going back to
also differ on their agendas. all fields.
war. Unfortunately, the violence rages
Honestly, The SPLM leads the agenda In my assessment, the only option on among the communities (call them
of “peace and security.” however, the available for South Sudanese, in order tribes if you like).
former adversaries of President Salva to save the unity of the country and Nevertheless, renewed violence has
Kiir Mayardit, who should be seen humanity is the R-ARCSS; and that is
to firmly commit to the peace and if the national security institutions are moved out of Juba to states of Jonglei,
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