Page 29 - Drum Tyme Advertising Book February 15th Updated to Slide Version June 17th 2020
P. 29

4/8/2020                                   Top 10 Metal Drummers in the World Today | StooShe
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         arrange the rundown we as a whole knew was coming. This is the
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         class that made outrageous drumming a global game. Metal beasts,
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         drum geeks, customary individuals who Googled their way here, we
         are going to drill down who is the ace of the drumming game.                  Contact
         The victor of the current year's survey for Best Metal Drummer of

         2019 cleared the field, acquiring twice the same number of votes as
         the  remainder  of  the  contestants  consolidated.  Metal  isn't  shy  of
         incredible drummers. In any case, these are the undisputed rulers of

         the drumkit.

         Our Top Picks For Metal Drummers

           Table of Contents      

         1. Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)

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