Page 33 - Drum Tyme Advertising Book February 15th Updated to Slide Version June 17th 2020
P. 33

4/8/2020                                   Top 10 Metal Drummers in the World Today | StooShe

         David  "Dave"  Lombardo  is  a  Cuban  American  drummer,  most
         popular  as  a  helping  to  establish  an  individual  from  the  American

         whip  metal  band  Slayer.  He  is  likewise  the  divine  force  of  twofold
         bass, and out beats any drummer. By a long shot, the best ought to
         be number 1. One should simply tune in to listen to his work to spill

         their blood.

         Furthermore,  Dream  Theater  is  even  less  standard  however  Mike
         Portnoy is number 1. Dave merits second, however - SLAYER isn't

         as standard as the groups above them, which is the reason I accept
         Lombardo is right down here, if slayer was more standard Lombardo

         would be on top, yet not being standard makes them.

             Also, Check: Fender American Ultra Stratocaster
                                    Electric Guitar

         6. Luzier Ray

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