Page 2 - Glory & Grace Issue 2 ~ King of Glory Lutheran Church
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It’s a pesky question. An inquiry that keeps you up at night or distracts you throughout the day. Sometimes wrongly attributed only to moody teenagers, when it arises, it can cause even the brightest to stumble.
The words of Baptism whisper a response: “ that they may learn to trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace.”
In this issue of j members explore how they are living into the calling of Baptism. Calling (sometimes referred to as vocation) is more than just a career choice, as calling extends to the whole of our lives and can even shift over time. The Scriptures tell us that we love because Christ first loved us (1 John 4:19). Each day we respond to the love that God has given us, by serving as friend, spouse, parent, child, coworker, and citizen.
In the last year we have experienced that God’s calling continues even during challenging times.
There have been a flurry of unexpected challenges for elders, students, parents, teachers, healthcare workers; for all of us. As you read about the joys and struggles of others in this issue, we hope that through their stories, you will hear God speaking to you.
Our vocation is deeply rooted in God's grace. It is not God’s voice that shouts “hustle harder” or “work more” or “find the perfect job so life will be meaningful.” Instead, God's voice in Baptism is one of electing love. God's calling is the voice that gives meaning and purpose to our days. The voice of God says, "I choose you" and "I will be with you always, even to the end of the age."
Thank you for all of the ways (more than we can name in a magazine) that you are responding to that Holy whisper of God's calling in your life. As God continues to speak, we invite you to join with our faith community as we listen, live, and respond together.
Jen & Ben
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