Page 11 - Glory & Grace Magazine, Issue 3, August 2021
P. 11
Doni Topel
Taking the first step in a new direction or endeavor is risky. What if it doesn't work out? What if I look foolish? Is it worth it? Two ladies share their recent experience of taking the risk to be vulnerable and engage with new people.
Lois Schroeder
“I feel alive again!
One thing we know about resonance is that it doesn't happen in isolation. In order to encounter resonance one thing must
interact with another thing.
.deneppah sah tahw fo esuaceb yltnereffid dlrow eht gniretne ,niaga srehto evol ot dellup era dna drawni gninrut morf devom era ew erehw ;ecnanoser
.redeorhcS sioL saw thgin taht retteb wonk ot tog ehs elpoep esoht fo enO "!erofeb tem t'ndah I elpoep rof neve dna - rehtona eno rof evol eurt gnileef" decneirepxe inoD ,shtnom ynam ni emit tsrif eht roF .rekaB aidualC dna yrreJ yb detsoh yluJ ni ytraP oitaP GOK a dednetta ehs nehw trofmoc decneirepxe ohw flesreh inoD saw ti tuB
htiw retnuocne na ebircsed ot yaw tpa na tahW ".niaga evila leef I .thginot rof hcum yrev os uoy knahT" ,stsoh
eht ot dias inoD ,thgin taht sioL htiw gnivael saw inoD sA
".trofmoc leef ,dessap evah seno devol esohw elpoep" pleh ot nac ehs lla od ot ;gnorts deniamer evres ot gnillac fo esnes reh tuB .skeew xis ni snoitpecer xis detsoh ehs :lluf etalp reh dah inoD ,niaga snoitpecer larenuf gnitsoh nageb GOK nehW
".rehtegot su thguorb doG dalg os m'I .91-DIVOC retfa yllaicepse ,erom tcennoc ot tnaw ew derevocsid lla
ew kniht I" ,dias sioL ",ytraP oitaP eht ta dna evird eht nO" .doog os leef reh edam pleh ot deksa gnieb taht dias sioL ,inoD gnivres saw sioL taht deraeppa evah yam ti hguohT
.sruoh thgilyad gnirud erots yrecorg eht ot amrI sekat inoD ,yadsruhT hcae ,egnahcxe nI .deniarts eb ot evah t'nod seye reh os inoD ot sdaer ylkeew ohw ,amrI ,robhgien dlo raey 39 reh ni ,revewoh ,tnemegaruocne dnuof ehS
.etapicitrap ot elba eb ot inoD rof rood eht denepo siht ,pu ngis ot hguone evarb neeb dah sioL ecniS ".drohc a kcurts taht ,gnitcennoc tuoba tsuj dna ,dexaler ,lausac eb ot gniog saw ti taht ,ytraP oitaP a saw ti taht was I nehw tuB ?em emoc -lew yeht lliw ,rednow uoY .rentrap a tuohtiw drah s'tI" ,syas sioL gnineve eht gnirebmemer nI ".pu flesym dengis I ytraP oitaP a was I nehw os" ,dias sioL ",oitaP a no gnineppah gnihtyna evol I"
".efil ym ni ssol taerg a" saw ti syas inoD ,dleh erew snoitpecer larenuf on nehw ,cimednap eht gniruD .maeT yrtsiniM larenuF s'GOK fo daeL eht sa evres ot stfig reh sesu ylraluger dna GOK ta htiaf fo ytinummoc eht ni "ylimaf a" dnuof inoD ,yllufknahT .noitidnoc siht htiw elbasivda ton si thgin ta gnivirD .noisiv yduolc dna trofmocsid sesuac taht esaesid eye na ,yhportsyD 'shcuF rof tnemtaert gniogno gniviecer elihw rethguad reh raen eb ot sgnilliB ot devom inoD
.dnetta ot gninnalp osla saw ohw ,sioL llac inoD taht detseggus saw ti dna no sserp ot suoegaruoc saw ehs ,sllac enohp lufsseccusnu wef a etipseD .dias inoD ",sgniht ot og ot teg t'nod tsuj uoy semitemos...ksa ot dessarrabme leef I semitemoS" .srekaB eht ot edir a dnif ot deen dluow ehs taht wenk inoD ,gnineve eht ni dleh saw ytraP oitaP eht ecniS
".elpoep ym gnissim yllaer saw I" ,serahs inoD ",enola evil I ecniS" .sdneirf htiw sgnirehtag decnatsid wef a ylno htiw yb tnew shtnom nehw ,syas lepoT inoD ",nwod
tel a hcus saw tI" .decneirepxe evah stluda redlo taht noitalosi eht neeb sah cimednap eht
fo spihsdrah taerg eht fo enO
lepoT inoD