Page 15 - Glory & Grace Magazine, Issue 3, August 2021
P. 15
08/29 Service Day: God's Work, Our Hands
Youth Gathering Kickoff with area churches
Depart for HS Retreat @ Christikon Return from HS Retreat Confirmation Milestone in worship City-Wide Dodgeball @ FUMC - 4pm HS Youth Group - Noon - 1:30pm
HS Youth Group - Noon - 1:30pm No Class - School Break
HS Youth Group - Noon - 1:30pm
09/12 09/18 09/19 09/26 10/03 10/10 10/17 10/24 10/31
experiencing joy + Sharing meals + making memories faith conversation
High School youth group gathers around food for faith conversations and sharing life together most Sundays from Noon - 1:30pm in the Youth Center. Beloved adult mentors serve, love, and struggle beside us!
Every quarter we find some way to give back to the larger community and each summer we spend an extended period of a time on a Mission Trip, at a Camp, or participating in the ELCA Youth Gathering (see below). Youth Group is a casual time for real-talk, laughter, prayer, and curiosity. All are welcome!
Interested in jumping in? Sign up for the HS Retreat Weekend at Christikon (Sept. 18-19, $50). Breathe in some fresh mountain air and see what High School ministry is all about!
Rising 8th graders -12th graders are invited to join our 2022 Minneapolis Team! Every three years the ELCA hosts this larger-than-life worship, service, and learning event. Still on the fence? Join our Kickoff Gathering on 9/12!
Serving in love