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69. The ultimate party in                                           With our team spending a                 CRUISE

 Chicago                                                             lot of time writing about
                                                                     cruising, many have had

 Closer to a religious experience than a cultural experience         the chance to embark on
 was partying in Chicago as the Cubs broke their 106-year            some amazing journeys.
 World Series title drought - the liquid lost through tears          There is a cruise for
 was very quickly replaced through alcohol.
                                                                     everyone depending on

 70. Las Vegas with Human                                            budget and destination.

 Nature                                                              The gang at Travel &
                                                                     Cruise Weekly have been
 Enjoying a drink with the members of Human Nature                   thoroughly spoilt as guests
 backstage in Las Vegas before one of their longstanding             on many christening or
 concerts at the Venetian.
                                                                     inaugural cruises as well

 71. ATV in Iceland                                                  as cruising as a holiday. We
                                                                     have enjoyed the luxury of

 Doing an ATV tour on the black beaches of Iceland.                  cruise lines such as Regent
                                                                     Seven Seas, the amazing

 72. Haw Par Villa, Singapore                                        food experiences of
                                                                     Oceania Cruises with their

 Absolutely off the tourist trail of Singapore, this is actually     ‘finest cuisine at sea’, as
 the former mansion of the founders of Tiger Balm. It                well as expedition cruises
 contains over 1,000 absurd statues, and is almost too
 ridiculous to believe. Just Google it.                              on board Hurtigruten
                                                                     and Viking Cruises. It was

 73. Ancient Australian art                                          hard to choose just a
                                                                     few to include, but here

 Laying my own eyes on rock art that is tens of thousands            are the highlights and
 of years old in Kakadu National Park.                               recommendations:

 74. Nero's bath

 Seeing Nero's bath in the Vatican - carved from a single            76. Russia
 piece of porphyry (pink marble) with an estimated worth
 of about $100 million.                                              Doing a Russian River cruise
                                                                     from Moscow to St Petersburg
 75. 4WD Bali                                                        - growing up the USSR or
                                                                     Russia was not a place that
                                                                     Aussies visited, and now it will
 A 4WD convertible jeep adventure is the best way to see             be a long time before tourists
 Bali. Let the wind whip through your hair as you visit              are back. It is an amazing
 temples, shrines, rice paddies, rainforests, and beaches.           destination with so much
 Glorious and so much fun!                                           history and rich culture.

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