Page 27 - KeepDreaming100
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77. Ha Long   81. Hawaii  83. The Med                                                                        CRUISE

 Bay, Vietnam  Enjoying the four main   The Mediterranean can seem

 islands on NCL's Pride of   overwhelming, but exploring this
 Cruising Ha Long Bay-   America. Unpack once and   cacophony of destinations on a
 cruising the emerald   see the best of Hawaii over   cruise ship means you only have
 waters and limestone   one week. Sails all year   to worry about where your next
 islands of Ha Long Bay   round.   paella or tapas is coming from.
 is truly stunning and   Visiting places not on the usual
 relaxing. At night it is so   A catamaran cruise down   European itinerary like Corsica
 calm, flat and relaxing.   the Na Pali coastline of   (birthplace of Napoleon) or Malta
 I would recommend at   Kauai (Hawaii). The rugged   with its centuries of history and
 least two nights on a boat   coastlines and waterfalls   magnificent old towns. So many
 to fully unwind and take   make it one of the most   destinations to enjoy in the Med!
 in the experience and   sensational and beautiful
 amazing memory.  coastlines in the world
          84. Hoi An

 78. Rhine   82. Alaska  Rice paddie dinner cruise in Hoi

 River Gorge  Cruising the Inside   An. Did you know there is a river

          system behind the streets of Hoi
 Viewing the UNESCO   Passage, Alaska. Whilst   An that go into the rice paddies?
 World Heritage sites,   wildly popular, this area   I would recommend booking a
 castles, vineyards from   of the world and its   personal dinner cruise where
 the top deck of a river   accessibility cannot be   you have your own chef on board
 ship, all the while with   overhyped. Stunning blue   cooking you a Vietnamese meal
 a glass of Alsace wine   glaciers, abundance of   whilst sitting under the twinkling
 in your hand. It is a   orcas, humpbacks, otters   stars, and the distant lanterns of
 moment to gasp at and   and eagles, you will want   Hoi An.
 be grateful.  to position yourself in the
 observation lounge of your
 79. New   ship 24/7.

 York  Seeing an orca jump out
 of the water from the
 windows of the ship gym.
 Sailing into New York   No one else saw it so it
 Harbour cruising past   supposedly didn't happen.
 the Statue of Liberty.

 80. Fiji

 Small ship cruising in
 the Yasawa Islands,
 Fiji with its gorgeous
 tropical island scenery
 and beautiful, friendly
 locals. Truly enjoying the
 pace of Fiji time.

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