Page 7 - portfolio
P. 7
Course Specification
Topic Week No. Hrs
1- Introduction – Getting to know each other - the definition of 1 3
the program - the implementation mechanism of course plan -
Why is Online Teaching Important + Open and Institutionally
Supported Technologies
2. Planning Online Learning + Online Learning Activities. 2 3
3- Presentation Skills
Online Assessment Strategies + Online Resources 3 3
5-Properties of Verbal communication
6- Non-verbal communication during online teaching
7- The importance of non-verbal communication
8 - Engaging and Motivating Students + Evaluation Strategies 4 3
9. Obstacles to communication - how to overcome obstacles to
communication - some personal and communication patterns
- Course components (total contact hours per week)
Lectures Hours
12 12
Description of the knowledge to be acquired
i. Understand the concept of online communication, elements and types in online
ii. To identify the self-communication effectively for teaching online.
iii. To identify the personal contact and proficiency to use it effectively.
iv. To identify the online verbal communication and proficiency to use it effectively.
v. To identify the effective strategies for online teaching and proficiency to use it
Teaching strategies to be used to develop that knowledge
- Group discussion
- Active learning
- Brainstorming
- Q & A sessions