Page 5 - The Banks Article
P. 5
Along with this introductory commentary there are six short
case studies on: Wells Fargo Bank, Bank of America,
Barclays, Standard Chartered, HSBC and RBS (Diagram 1)
all of which, have
been produced in
e-resource format
for student off-line
downloading to
iPad, Tablet and PC.
Banking Tutorial
Case Set
The credit crunch
began in 2007 with
Diagram 1: The Banks Short Case Studies
a plunge in the
subprime mortgage market in the U.S. and developed into a
full-blown international banking crisis with the collapse of
the investment bank Lehman Brothers on September 15,
2008. As Bernanke (1) commented: the 2008 financial crisis
was the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression
of 1929. Excessive risk-taking by banks helped to magnify
the financial impact globally. Blame for the crisis was
squarely laid at the feet of the financial institutions, in
particular the banks, as a consequence of their risk-taking
culture. Nevertheless, the banks received massive bail-outs
to prevent a melt-down of the world financial system.