Page 43 - RBS GRG F Case Study
P. 43

The chairman of the Treasury Select Committee criticised RBS for
                 being “willfully obtuse” and delivering a “belated U-turn” when the

                 panel grilled RBS executives over the GRG unit.

                 Sullivan and GRG boss Derek Sach sent a letter of apology to the

                 TSC panel for misleading statements made.

                 GRG documents leaked “project dash for cash”.

                 August 2014

                 RBS shut down the GRG unit

                 January 2015

                 Chris Sullivan leaves the bank

                 October 2016

                 RBS documents, passed by a whistleblower to BuzzFeed News
                 and BBC Newsnight, support controversial allegations in

                 Tomlinson Report.

                 The FCA received the final report from the skilled person.

                 GRG documents leaked “project dash for cash”.

                 November 2016

                 RBS announced their admission that they did not treat customers

                 fairly and will be setting up a Complaints Review scheme for those
                 affected by GRG.

                 August 2017

                 BBC reports on leaked FCA Full Report and

                 September 2017

                 FCA refuses to publish full report

                 October 23 2017
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