Page 7 - RBS GRG F Case Study
P. 7

Mitchell outlined how the former RBS CEO and Chairman
                 proceeded to bury the GRG evidence, failing to report the

                 accusations to the financial regulator the FCA/FSA,
                 despite laws which oblige them to do so. (2)

                 “ Mitchell outlined how GRG encouraged businesses to

                 prioritise repayments to RBS ahead of meeting HMRC tax

                 obligations. RBS, owned by the taxpayer were knowingly

                 defrauding its owners for 3 years + with the full

                 knowledge of RBS management, police and City financial

                 regulators.” (2)

                 These claims were reinforced by the Business Insider

                 which stated that:

                 "There is absolutely no doubt that from 2008 and credit

                 crisis era that RBS was engineering defaults in companies

                 and acquiring assets under their property group through

                 RBS' Global Restructuring Group." (19)

                 The run up to the financial crisis with its reckless lending

                 witnessed a dramatic fall in property prices as loans were

                 defaulted on. For many bank customers the result was

                 both a catastrophic fall in asset value and falling revenue

                 streams with the result that many ended up in serious

                 financial difficulty.
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