Page 6 - Phissons Ethics Dilemma
P. 6

There is not enough time to canvas executives below board level and even if you could

               have it is questionable, given the severity of the situation, whether this would have been


               The fifth action is within the remit of Blackthorn.

               The last two actions are also within the purview of Blackthorn and it is he who will call

               the shots.

               Phissons plc.

               Phissons is a large multinational agro-chemical company operating in over 100

               countries. It was founded in the 1920s and had over the years diversified extensively.

               In mid 2016 it was six weeks from the launch of its major discovery of the last decade a

               revolutionary asthma drug targeted primarily at the very young child sufferer -

               Proxydychromil, when alarming news was conveyed to Blackthorn.


               Proxydychromil had been in development for over nine years and had cost in excess of

               £250m to bring it to the market. It had passed all clinical trials in Europe and the USA

               and was poised to be the company’s premier product.
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