Page 49 - Newspaper of the Future Teaching Guide
P. 49

Relative Market Share

               The only measure that seems to be heading upward is cover price. This
               is the “harvesting” approach being played out at The Scotsman, Scotland
               on Sunday and the Edinburgh Evening News. As Professor Philip Meyer,
               author of The Vanishing Newspaper, explained, it is a strategy that seeks
               to maximize short-term revenues from a troubled product until the market
               dictates  it  is  no  longer  commercially  viable.  While  the  news,  sports,
               business and comment sections get ever thinner and editorial budgets
               shrink, the cover price of The Scotsman was increased from £1 to £1.10
               in October, a hike of 29 per cent from the 85 pence it cost less than a year
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