Page 3 - The Banks Summary (H)
P. 3


                 Since the financial crisis of 2008 scandals have abounded

                 in the banking and finance industry. These raise the

                 question of who were these scandals perpetrated by,

                 rogue executives, greedy individuals or was it a more

                 sinister and deep-rooted, systemic process within the

                 industry? (1)

                 Given that:

                                “The strength of families, businesses, and
                                society at large is dependent on the ability to

                                count on others to “do the right thing.”

                                Academic research studies have shown that

                                good ethics (specifically, an environment of

                                trust) lead to lower costs and higher revenues

                                and profits. Customers want to do business

                                with companies that have a good reputation,

                                and employees want to work for a company

                                that treats its employees and suppliers fairly

                                and honestly. While reputation deals with the

                                past, trust is an indicator of the future.”  (9)

                 All too often people claim that they don’t trust the banks.
                 By this they more often than not tend mean its

                 management, not at branch level, but at headquarters.
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