Page 28 - Mylan EpiPen Teaching Note
P. 28


                 Mylan has struggled to repair its tarnished image as

                 the derision of consumers, the media and regulators

                 continued unabated.

                 The question however, is probably more basic - how

                 Mylan didn’t see this coming? After all it was based

                 on raising their prices by:

                     •  Taking advantage of having a monopoly position.
                     •  The product was unchanged therefore no reason

                         behind the price increases.

                     •  This product is needed for people who have severe

                         allergic reactions.
                     •  This product is not a “want” this product is a need.

                         Person may need this product to essentially save

                         their life.

                 The Wall Street Journal, which reported that Mylan low-
                 balled its calculation of EpiPen profits to Congress by

                 applying a misleading tax rate suggested the company’s

                 profits were about 60 percent higher than what Bresch
                 told Congress, or $166 per two-pack. A potential

                 overcharging of the government by $1.27 billion.
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