Page 7 - RBS TG
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been, significantly enhancing their competitive positions,
with deeper relationships with more customers, in more
markets and the scale to achieve world-class efficiency in
our operations.
The Consortium banks now want to invest in ABN AMRO's
businesses and make the changes needed to enable the
businesses to achieve their full potential together. Between
them the Consortium banks and ABN AMRO can deliver the
investment required to take advantage of the options for
Q: Why do the Consortium banks think they will be good
owners of ABN AMRO?
A: The Consortium banks are international banks with
significant experience of banking in markets around the
world, and with a presence in many of ABN AMRO's
markets. The three banks serve a total of 110 million
customers worldwide with over 300,000 employees from
100 different nationalities. They have successfully integrated
over 100 businesses around the world with an approach
based on investment in people, products and new