Page 15 - Hazels Dilemma CS
P. 15
The Opportunity
Hazel saw an opportunity to start her rabbit business based
on both commercial and ethical values rather than as a
simple side-line business. Moreover, she thought that scale
was the key. It seemed that most production was very small
and carried out as a secondary occupation.
She had the financial backing and the desire to develop the
concept into a viable business proposition. One moreover,
that she felt addressed a gap in the current market. That is,
she would develop a two-pronged business model based on
first, fur production and secondly meat production both of
which would be of the highest quality to attract premium
Underpinning this business model would be the need to
acquire the best rabbit breeds for both fur and meat
production. Inevitably this would entail a breeding
programme to ensure both quantity and quality production.
In addition, markets would have to be found for both
products. A task she thought she was up to if appropriate
help and guidance could be found.