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                            COMPRESSOR DIRECT DRIVE SYSTEM
                            The MECO GII is the only true direct drive system on the market.Other compressors use intermediate couplings to connect the compressors
                            to the motor, which requires alignment, additional bearings, and dual circulating oil systems as well as external cooling fans and motors.
                            The impeller is mounted directly on the motor's shaft, so there is no alignment necessary. The compressor motor housing is water-cooled
                            and the bearings are air-cooled with only oil for lubrication. The GII size and weight means there is less torque
                            on the motor when starting up and less wear and tear due to imbalance.
                                                                                                                     COMPRESSOR REMOVAL
                                            The GII can be completely replaced in less than two hours if necessary with minimal interruption in service.
                                                    The compressor is integrally mounted, eliminating the need for excessive ductwork and gasketing.
                                                        Advanced Lubrication
           Integral Motor Drive                         Advanced lubrication means nomore storing         Fewer Parts = More Run-Time
           We could not make it any                     gallons of oil,pumping, filtering, and cooling     The GII has fewer parts thanother industrial
           simpler. The impeller is                     with the associated controls. The air oil system   compressors andless than 10% of the parts
                                                                                                          of otherindustrial compressors. Since there are  components in
           attached directly to the motor               eliminates all of this and uses only air and drops
           shaft eliminating the need for               of oil to cool and lubricate the bearings.        allrotating equipment that are subject to wear and replacement,
           flex couplings, sheaves, gear                                                                   you will be  glad that the GII has only two to four bearings and
                                                                                                          one steam seal.
           boxes and their associated components.
                                                                                                                     Sanitary Surface Design
           Light Weight                                                                                              The impeller and suction bell are cast of inconel
           The GII horsepower andweight varies according                                                             and 316 stainless steel and then machined to
           to size and capacity. Relative to other industrial                                                        yield a smooth and homogeneous surface finish
           compressors, the GII handling is an easy job.                                                             less than 25Ra. With suction bell mounted directly
                                                                                                                     into the evaporator, there is no need for ducting or
                                                                                                                     casing drains.

           Reduce Noise
                                                                                                                         It's Cool
           At less than 80 dBa from
                                                                                                                         Integral water cooling removes excess heat
           three feet away, the
                                                                                                                         rather than raising the ambient temperature in the
           MECO GII is the quietest     A New Standard - Variable Output
                                                                                                                         utility room. It also provides for a much quieter
           compressor in the            With the GII the output of your distiller
                                                                                    Compact Impeller                     machine for a more comfortable operator experience.
           industry.                    varies with your demand reducing starts
                                                                                    With a small and lightweight diameter, the
                                        and stops and increasing energy
                                                                                    impeller transfers less loading on rotating
                                        efficiency to save your facility significant
                                                                                    elements such as the shaft and bearings.
                                        operating expense.
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