Page 11 - sustainable tourism-- Dr.Aya
P. 11

The  world  is  also  increasingly  deploying

                                    Internet  to  drive  businesses  and  interact  with

                                    consumers.  There  is  a  lot  of  R&D  that  is

                                    required  to  generate  solutions  to  enhancing

                                    efficiency of networks and also using servers

                                    to manage these transactions more effectively.

                                    On  one  hand,  people  have  deployed  Internet

                                    for productivity and connectivity, on the other

                                    hand, there needs to be a clear understanding

                                    of  what  it  takes  for  Internet  to  function.

                                    According to data shared by Economic Times

                                    (2013, data centers consume energy equivalent

                                    to 30 nuclear power plants output. This would

                                    be  equivalent  to  energy  consumption  of

                                    Russia.  There  are  3  million  data  centers

                                    worldwide.  European  data  centers  would

                                    consume 100 TWH of electricity by 2015. In

                                    2012,  there  are  2.4  billion  people  who  use

                                    Internet.  Power  consumed  by  data  centers  of

                                    Facebook  is  about  60  million  watts  while  as

                                    Google  data  centers  consume  300  million

                                    watts of power. 90% of electricity is wasted by

                                    data centers as online companies typically run

                                    their facilities at max capacity 24´7. Servers in

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