Page 12 - sustainable tourism-- Dr.Aya
P. 12

data centers use a 6 to 12% of average power


                                    Five  key  trends  emerge  from  the  2013

                                    Energy Efficiency Indicator surveys are:

                                     •  Energy  Management—there  has  been  a

                                    global  increase  of  10%  year  over  year  in

                                    companies  that  are  paying  ―a  lot  more

                                    attention‖ to energy efficiency.

                                     •  Motivations  and  Policy  Priorities:  Cost

                                    savings remain the number one driver for the

                                    sixth  year  of  the  EEI  survey,  but  regional

                                    markets  recognize  other  key  drivers  such  as

                                    energy security, increased building asset value,

                                    and enhanced brand or public image. Policies

                                    that  improve  the  economics  of  energy

                                    efficiency  sought  by  all,  but  beyond

                                    incentives,  regions  see  different  policy

                                    opportunities in their unique markets.

                                     •  Lack  of  funding  to  pay  for  improvements

                                    remained the greatest barrier to pursuing more

                                    energy  efficiency,  but  barriers  differ  by

                                    market,  and  technical  capacity  to  evaluate

                                    performance remains a significant barrier.

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