Page 10 - 2017-18 Annual Report_For Flip Book
P. 10

         Creative Impact Grants
         Since 1983, 967 grants have been awarded totaling $950,174. This year over                                KIDS ARE LEADING HEALTHY ACTIVE LIVES
         7,080 students were impacted by the following Creative Impact Grants.

        TVK (THAT VIOLA KID)             SENSORY ROOM                     ROBOTS IN THE CLASSROOM
        Belzer, Lawrence Central         ELC @ Brook Park                 Lawrence Central
        Heather Nieto                    Christine Johnson &              Kyong Damron
                                         Mary Jo Mack
                                                                          GEOGRAPHY IN A GIANT WAY
                                         STUDENT CENTERED                 Mary Castle
                                         SENSORY SUPPORTS                 Michelle Smelser
                                         ELC @ Mary Castle
                                         Tamea Wickware                                                                                                                                  CROWN MENTORING

                                         GIVE FCV SHOW CHOIR                                                                                                                                Healthy Body Health Mind
                                         ITS SPARKLE                                                                                                                                        provides all students with a
                                         Fall Creek Valley                                                                                                                                  healthy lifelong approach.
                                         Elizabeth Warrner
        ENVIRONMENTALLY                                                                                                                                                                     Mind and body are closely
        FRIENDLY OUTDOOR                                                                                                                                                                    related and impact everything
        LEARNING TABLES                                                                                                                                                                     we do. By supporting
        Brook Park                                                                                                                                                                          opportunities which
        Sonya Schkabla                                                    VIRTUAL REALITY                                                                                                   encompass the whole person,
                                                                          CLASSROOM                                                                                                         our children’s capabilities to
        FAMILY ENGAGEMENT                                                 Mary Castle                                                                                                       learn and grow as individuals
        NIGHTS                                                            Maria Dorsel                                                                                                      are heightened.
        ELC @ Brook Park
        Karissa May                                                       THE ENGINEERING DESIGN PROCESS                                                                                    Up & Running
                                                                          COMES ALIVE!
                                         WE CAN CODE                      Skiles Test                                                                                                       •   952 finishers
                                         Harrison Hill                    Dave Shafer
                                                                                                                                                                                               This afterschool running
                                         Tammy Mills                                                                                                                                        •
                                                                          SPIKEBALL                                                                                                            club teaches the
                                         FLEXIBLE SEATING                 Sunnyside                                                                                                            importance of eating
                                         Indian Creek                     Michele McGraw                                                                                                       healthy and exercising
                                         Patricia Horan                                                                                                                                        while training to run the
                                                                          PHOENIX LEARNING
                                         MAPLE SUGARING                   GARDEN                                                                                                               5K portion of the Indy Half
                                         Indian Creek                     Winding Ridge                                                                                                        Marathon at Fort Ben in
                                         LaMonica Henson                  Lynette Nichols                                                                                                      the Fall and the Geist Half
                                                                                                                                                                                               Marathon in the Spring.
                                         LAWRENCE CENTRAL
                                         WAR ON HUNGER
                                         FOOD PANTRY                                                                                                                                        Crown Mentoring
                                         Lawrence Central                                                                                                                                   •   140 students impacted
                                         Carey Northcutt
                                                                                                                                                                                            •    This character-based

                                         LET’S BUILD SOME STEAM                                                                                                                                program teaches young
                                         Lawrence Central                                                                                                                                      men the importance of
                                         Kevin Self
                                                                                                                                                                                               attendance, attitude, and
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