Page 39 - Mentoring
P. 39
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َنارعِ َِل آ َ َةروسو َ َةرَقبلا َ نيوا َ رْهَّ اوءرْقا َ هِباَصَْلِ اعيف َ َايقلا َ موي َ تْأي َُهناَف َ ناآرُقلا اوءرْقا
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) 1910 : ملسم ( امِبِاَصَْآ نَع ناجاَتُ
“Read the Qur'an because the Quran will come on the day of resurrection as an intercessory giver for those
who read it (by Tadabbur and practice). Read Al-Zahrawain (two-light) i.e. Sura Al-Baqarah and Ali ' Imran
because both come on the day of resurrection like two clouds or like two rays of sunlight or like two birds that
spread its wings, both of which will be defenders For the diligent reading of the two letters.” (HR. Muslim: