Page 78 - Property Summary Guardian Place 1 12 2022 Reduced File - With Cover Pages
P. 78

Guardian Place II LP (9611op)
                                                                      Statement (12 months)
                                                                        Period = Nov 2020-Oct 2021
                                                                        Book = Accrual ; Tree = ysi_is
                                               Nov 2020  Dec 2020  Jan 2021  Feb 2021  Mar 2021  Apr 2021  May 2021  Jun 2021  Jul 2021  Aug 2021  Sep 2021  Oct 2021  Total
      4100.001.000   IL Base Rent
       4100.041.001     IL  Gross Potential Rent  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  107,289.00  1,287,468.00
       4100.041.002     IL Loss to Lease         3,728.00  3,935.00  3,149.00  4,204.00  4,353.00  4,584.00  4,778.00  4,912.00  5,103.00  5,298.00  5,629.00  5,839.00  55,512.00
       4100.041.004     Vacancy Losses          -5,001.38  -4,056.93  -3,331.48  -4,332.06  -2,785.96  -2,578.00  -2,526.32  -1,788.84  -837.30  -1,102.12  101.47  -1.03  -28,239.95
       4100.041.005     IL Rent Concession       -485.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -6,018.00
       4100.045.015     Concessions              -485.00  -985.00  -1,003.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -503.00  -7,000.00
      4100.999.000        Total IL Base Rent   105,045.62  105,679.07  105,600.52  106,154.94  107,850.04  108,289.00  108,534.68  109,406.16  110,548.70  110,478.88  112,013.47  112,120.97  1,301,722.05

      4161.044.999   Other Revenue
       4161.045.004     Cable TV Revenue          700.00  700.00   765.00  725.00  775.00  825.00  800.00   825.00  800.00   850.00  726.00  750.00  9,241.00
       4161.045.005     Community/Move In Fee     80.00    20.00   20.00   60.00    20.00   0.00    80.00    0.00   100.00   20.00   20.00    0.00    420.00
       4161.045.014     Storage                   330.00  330.00   330.00  390.00  330.00  330.00  330.00   320.00  320.00   410.00  350.00  340.00  4,110.00
       4161.045.016     Housekeeping Revenue     5,588.82  386.06   0.00   679.62  366.23  171.50  520.15   319.08  379.00   188.00  454.00  540.35  9,592.81
       4161.045.017     Maintenance Revenue        0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00   11.00    0.00     11.00
       4161.045.019     Key Fee                    0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00     0.00   25.00    0.00    0.00     25.00
       4161.045.027     Miscellaneous Income    -2,649.00  0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -2,649.00
      4161.045.999        Total Other Revenue   4,049.82  1,436.06  1,115.00  1,854.62  1,491.23  1,326.50  1,730.15  1,464.08  1,599.00  1,493.00  1,561.00  1,630.35  20,750.81

      4305.001.000   Interest Income
       4305.010.000     Interest Income            1.16    1.20     1.20    1.09    1.20    1.17     1.20    1.17     1.20    1.20    1.17    1.20     14.16
      4305.999.000        Total Interest Income    1.16    1.20    1.20     1.09    1.20    1.17    1.20     1.17    1.20     1.20    1.17    1.20    14.16
      4999.999.000        Total Revenue        109,096.60  107,116.33  106,716.72  108,010.65  109,342.47  109,616.67  110,266.03  110,871.41  112,148.90  111,973.08  113,575.64  113,752.52  1,322,487.02

      6001.001.000   Salaries
       6001.100.800     Burden - Marketing       1,127.04  1,164.70  1,897.82  1,144.89  1,457.22  1,134.73  1,194.71  952.70  1,036.27  1,020.83  1,220.83  1,339.83  14,691.57
       6001.100.900     Salaries - Marketing     6,011.67  5,978.73  6,140.26  6,735.30  6,684.49  7,033.89  5,336.14  4,138.98  5,506.62  5,958.11  5,686.65  5,269.14  70,479.98
       6001.500.800     Burden - Maintenance     1,443.52  1,308.54  1,708.64  1,330.72  1,347.25  809.16  1,320.31  1,120.53  1,237.62  1,281.90  1,400.63  1,307.14  15,615.96
       6001.500.900     Salaries - Maintenance   4,667.27  4,816.52  6,596.51  4,591.52  5,231.51  5,058.00  5,226.60  5,075.25  5,245.04  6,364.63  4,857.17  5,058.00  62,788.02
       6001.600.800     Burden - Marketing        359.13  553.29  1,215.48  540.28  945.64  740.28  837.92  694.24  821.35   718.87  746.08  1,048.77  9,221.33
       6001.600.900     Salaries - Marketing     3,901.87  3,260.28  3,982.91  4,492.64  4,641.20  4,632.23  4,505.56  3,543.85  4,255.56  4,780.56  5,454.57  3,817.07  51,268.30
      6001.999.000        Total Salaries       17,510.50  17,082.06  21,541.62  18,835.35  20,307.31  19,408.29  18,421.24  15,525.55  18,102.46  20,124.90  19,365.93  17,839.95  224,065.16

      6020.001.000   Other
       6020.900.120     Labor Advertising          0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00   238.62   0.00     0.00    0.00     0.00   49.99   115.74   0.00    404.35
      6020.999.000        Total Other              0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00  238.62    0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00    49.99  115.74    0.00    404.35
      6020.999.001        Total Payroll        17,510.50  17,082.06  21,541.62  18,835.35  20,545.93  19,408.29  18,421.24  15,525.55  18,102.46  20,174.89  19,481.67  17,839.95  224,469.51
      6101.001.000   Utilities
       6101.150.010     Electricity              5,391.83  5,150.35  5,287.82  4,741.21  5,730.57  5,617.96  6,471.67  7,872.28  8,432.34  8,129.96  7,908.32  5,963.50  76,697.81
       6101.150.030     Gas                       458.21  877.50  2,395.24  2,381.40  2,118.99  1,253.11  393.79  269.31  112.69  90.55  111.58  133.39  10,595.76
       6101.150.040     Cable TV                 1,157.97  1,157.97  1,157.97  1,304.39  1,218.15  1,218.15  1,219.92  1,219.92  1,219.92  1,219.92  1,219.92  1,219.92  14,534.12
       6101.150.080     Water/Sewer-Facility     2,910.09  3,205.10  3,033.31  2,848.93  3,019.04  3,044.49  3,219.94  3,713.84  3,626.85  3,588.52  4,096.58  3,802.13  40,108.82
       6101.150.090     Trash Removal/Medical Waste  1,482.44  1,494.55  1,752.91  2,104.05  2,046.53  2,759.69  2,064.95  2,081.07  2,086.11  2,092.18  2,089.69  2,098.43  24,152.60
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