Page 76 - Property Summary Guardian Place 1 12 2022 Reduced File - With Cover Pages
P. 76

Guardian Place II LP (611)
                                                                                                    Statement (12 months)
                                                                                                        Period = Jan 2020-Dec 2020
                                                                                                       Book = Accrual ; Tree = ysi_is
                                                                   Jan 2020    Feb 2020    Mar 2020    Apr 2020    May 2020    Jun 2020    Jul 2020    Aug 2020    Sep 2020   Oct 2020    Nov 2020    Dec 2020       Total
        6405.001.000   Insurance
         6405.030.000     Property Insurance                          4,200.46    4,200.46    4,200.46    4,200.46    4,200.48    4,200.48    4,279.20    4,239.84   4,239.80    4,445.00     4,445.00   4,445.00     51,296.64
        6405.999.000        Total Insurance                          4,200.46    4,200.46    4,200.46    4,200.46    4,200.48    4,200.48    4,279.20    4,239.84    4,239.80   4,445.00     4,445.00   4,445.00     51,296.64
        6999.999.000        Total Operations                        77,078.07   48,931.13   61,002.38   52,533.46   54,059.35   66,770.66   59,744.06   61,596.38  57,229.91   57,444.62    58,117.81  52,188.18    706,696.01

        7000.000.000   General & Administrative

        7101.001.000   Office Expense
         7101.100.410     Travel & Meals                                 0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        6.17         6.17
         7101.100.420     Office Supplies                              372.67      175.25       426.69     178.61        73.41      79.98       58.62       35.19      288.81       67.12      130.22      139.50      2,026.07
         7101.100.430     Mail & Postage                                48.88       31.15       18.89       40.99        49.18      40.99       21.84        0.00       40.99       16.99        6.03       18.11       334.04
         7101.100.470     Dues & Subscriptions                           0.00        0.00        0.00       47.69         0.00       0.00        4.67        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        52.36
         7101.100.472     Bank Fees                                     52.00       17.00       17.00       17.00        17.00      19.31       17.00       17.00       17.00       17.00       17.00       17.00       241.31
         7101.100.480     Licenses & Permits                           173.34      173.33       173.33     173.33       191.21     173.33      173.33      173.33      173.33      195.71      173.33      173.36      2,120.26
         7101.100.500     Legal                                          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00       79.68        0.00        79.68
         7101.150.000     Bad Debt                                   -1,083.00     -130.00      24.23      868.00     1,395.00      -25.00     493.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00      299.35      1,841.58
         7101.150.451     Copier Lease                                 110.94      105.66       318.51     211.33       105.66     212.85      256.39      105.66      105.66      212.85      265.90      266.75      2,278.16
         7101.150.601     Telephone Expense                            379.99      373.39       570.89     619.10       520.07     491.63      493.45      493.45       82.07       63.62      487.20      838.05      5,412.91
         7101.150.602     Internet-G&A                                  54.66       54.66       54.66       54.66        54.66      54.66       54.66       54.66       54.66       54.66       54.79       60.00       661.39
         7101.150.604     Software                                     125.35      125.35       125.35     125.35       125.35     -134.65     211.35      584.85      222.89      223.82      181.85      229.43      2,146.29
        7101.999.000        Total Office Expense                       234.83      925.79    1,729.55    2,336.06    2,531.54     913.10     1,784.31    1,464.14     985.41      851.77     1,396.00   2,047.72     17,200.22
        7999.999.000        Total General & Administrative             234.83      925.79    1,729.55    2,336.06    2,531.54     913.10     1,784.31    1,464.14     985.41      851.77     1,396.00   2,047.72     17,200.22
        7999.999.998        Total Operating Expense                 77,312.90   49,856.92   62,731.93   54,869.52   56,590.89   67,683.76   61,528.37   63,060.52   58,215.32  58,296.39    59,513.81  54,235.90    723,896.23
        7999.999.999        Net Operating Income                    27,948.67   55,526.41   43,722.08   50,882.48   51,376.31   39,334.41   44,770.77   41,983.86   49,016.41  48,460.65    49,582.79  52,880.43    555,485.27

        8000.000.001   Covid-19 Expense

        8000.000.100   Covid-19 Expense
         8000.000.101     Additional Labor - COVID                       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        43.63       0.00       42.64        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        86.27
         8000.000.102     PPE and Other Covid Supplies- COVID            0.00        0.00        0.00      672.36       313.09      35.48       31.25        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00      1,052.18
        8000.000.199        Total Covid-19 Expense                       0.00        0.00        0.00      672.36      356.72       35.48       73.89        0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00      1,138.45
        8000.000.200        Total Covid-19 Net Cash Flow                 0.00        0.00        0.00      672.36      356.72       35.48       73.89        0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00      1,138.45
        8000.000.299        Net Operating Income (After COVID-19)   27,948.67   55,526.41   43,722.08   50,210.12   51,019.59   39,298.93   44,696.88   41,983.86  49,016.41   48,460.65    49,582.79  52,880.43    554,346.82

        8005.001.000   Interest
         8005.990.920     Mortgage Interest Expense                  11,705.94   10,921.74   11,641.23   11,235.52    11,577.40  11,173.53   11,513.14   11,481.48   11,080.39  11,416.55    11,017.31  11,351.17    136,115.40
        8005.999.000        Total Interest                          11,705.94   10,921.74   11,641.23   11,235.52   11,577.40   11,173.53   11,513.14   11,481.48  11,080.39   11,416.55    11,017.31  11,351.17    136,115.40

        8310.001.000   Asset Management and Ownership
         8310.990.901     Ownership Expense                           1,159.00    1,159.00    1,159.00    1,159.00    1,159.00    4,384.00    1,428.00    1,428.00   1,478.00    1,428.00     1,428.00       0.00     17,369.00
         8310.990.999     Prior Year Adjustment                          0.00    31,974.69       0.00        0.00         0.00       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00     31,974.69
        8310.999.000        Total Asset Management and Ownership     1,159.00   33,133.69    1,159.00    1,159.00    1,159.00    4,384.00    1,428.00    1,428.00    1,478.00   1,428.00     1,428.00       0.00     49,343.69

        8516.001.000   Rent
         8516.150.150     Rent Expense (Opco)                         3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00   3,800.00    3,800.00     3,800.00   3,800.00     45,600.00
        8516.999.000        Total Rent                               3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00    3,800.00   3,800.00     3,800.00   3,800.00     45,600.00
        8999.099.000        Total Other Income/Expense              16,664.94   47,855.43   16,600.23   16,194.52   16,536.40   19,357.53   16,741.14   16,709.48  16,358.39   16,644.55    16,245.31  15,151.17    231,059.09
        8999.999.000        Net Income Before Capital Expense       11,283.73    7,670.98   27,121.85   34,015.60   34,483.19   19,941.40   27,955.74   25,274.38  32,658.02   31,816.10    33,337.48  37,729.26    323,287.73
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81