Page 72 - Property Summary Guardian Place 1 12 2022 Reduced File - With Cover Pages
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1/10/2022 11:56 AM
                                                                         Rent Roll
                                                                    Guardian Place II LP (9611op)
                                                                       As Of = 10/31/2021
                                                                       Month Year = 10/2021
         Unit     Unit Type    Unit Resident  Name          Market     Actual   Resident      Other Move In   Lease      Move Out           Balance
                              Sq Ft                          Rent       Rent     Deposit    Deposit           Expiration
         309     110_GP2     546.00 t0016068  Hannah Williams  868.00  903.00     400.00       0.00 03/29/2019  03/31/2022                     25.00
         310     110_GP2     546.00 t0009345  Lindsey Dennis  868.00   921.00     400.00       0.00 08/31/2012  08/31/2022                     3.00
         311     110_GP2     546.00 t0009346  John Tyson    868.00     921.00       0.00       0.00 07/30/2014  07/31/2022                    835.00
         312     110_GP2     546.00 t0016095  Charles Collins  868.00  921.00     400.00       0.00 03/01/2019  02/28/2022                     0.00
         313     22E_GP2     810.00 t0009348  Judith Brigg  1,254.00  1,304.00      0.00       0.00 12/01/2016  11/30/2022                     0.00
         314     11H_GP2     546.00 t0019188  Earline Williams  868.00  903.00    400.00       0.00 12/30/2019  12/31/2021                     0.00
         316     22C_GP2     960.00 t0009350  Edna Roberts  1,276.00  1,353.00    400.00       0.00 04/26/2014  04/30/2022                     0.00
         317     22A_GP2     810.00 t0009351  Mary Tune    1,031.00   1,093.00    400.00       0.00 08/21/2017  08/31/2022                     0.00
         318     110_GP2     546.00 t0009352  Valerie Coleman  868.00  903.00     400.00       0.00 02/01/2005  01/31/2022                     0.00
         319     110_GP2     546.00 t0009353  Minnie Kitt   851.00     903.00     400.00       0.00 06/29/2011  06/30/2022                     28.00
         320     110_GP2     546.00 t0009354  Karen Robinson  868.00   921.00     400.00       0.00 07/01/2014  06/30/2022                   -156.00
         321     110_GP2     546.00 t0009355  Peggy Williams  868.00   921.00     400.00       0.00 06/26/2009  06/30/2022                     80.00
         322     110_GP2     546.00 t0009356  David Williamson  868.00  921.00      0.00       0.00 07/14/2014  07/31/2022                     0.00
         323     110_GP2     546.00 t0016499  Kitty Dudley  868.00     921.00     400.00       0.00 03/08/2019  03/31/2022                     0.00
         324     110_GP2     546.00 t0009625  Doris Setter  868.00     921.00     400.00       0.00 04/02/2018  04/30/2022                     0.00
         325     110_GP2     546.00 t0017334  Rose Johnson  868.00     921.00     400.00       0.00 07/15/2019  07/31/2022                     50.00
         326     110_GP2     546.00 t0015798  Elmer Wade    868.00     885.00     400.00       0.00 01/09/2019  01/31/2022                    750.00
         327     22A_GP2     810.00 t0016562  Martha Turner  1,031.00  1,072.00   400.00       0.00 03/06/2020  03/31/2022                     0.00
         328     22E_GP2     810.00 t0009361  Rose Martin  1,254.00   1,330.00    400.00       0.00 03/29/2016  03/31/2022                     0.00
         329     22B_GP2     832.00 t0009362  Joan Nave    1,031.00   1,072.00      0.00       0.00 07/22/2013  07/31/2022                     2.00
         330     110_GP2     546.00 t0022572  Isadore Greenber  868.00  921.00    400.00       0.00 06/30/2021  06/30/2022                    -45.00
         401     22B_GP2     832.00 t0009364  Clara Algarin  1,031.00  1,093.00   400.00       0.00 06/20/2015  06/30/2022                     0.00
         402     110_GP2     546.00 t0009365  Florence Johnson  868.00  903.00    400.00       0.00 10/21/2017  10/31/2022                     0.00
         403     22A_GP2     810.00 t0015833  Logan Scott  1,031.00   1,072.00    400.00       0.00 02/01/2019  01/31/2022                     0.00
         404     22A_GP2     810.00 t0009982  Erma Cornett  1,011.00  1,093.00    400.00       0.00 06/15/2018  06/30/2022                    134.72
         405     110_GP2     546.00 t0009368  Patti Menster  851.00    903.00     400.00       0.00 01/31/2013  01/31/2022  11/30/2021        903.00
         406     110_GP2     546.00 t0021402  Thomas Faison  868.00    903.00     400.00       0.00 12/01/2020  11/30/2022                     0.00
         407     110_GP2     546.00 t0010468  Sharon Madison  868.00   921.00     400.00       0.00 08/01/2018  07/31/2022                     0.00
         408     110_GP2     546.00 t0020224  Saraellen McAndre  868.00  921.00   400.00       0.00 05/18/2020  05/31/2022                    -20.00
         409     110_GP2     546.00 t0009372  Julia Ingram  868.00     903.00     400.00       0.00 11/01/2017  10/31/2022                     0.00
         410     110_GP2     546.00 t0016092  Annette Khatena  868.00  921.00     400.00       0.00 02/19/2019  02/28/2022                     0.00
         411     110_GP2     546.00 t0022315  Peggy Brown   868.00     921.00     400.00       0.00 05/28/2021  05/31/2022                   2,193.00
         412     110_GP2     546.00 t0009375  Linwood Smith  868.00    903.00     400.00       0.00 03/31/2012  03/31/2022                     0.00
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