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48 Industry Notes//

                                                                               country. There are an estimated 902 500
           The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global fisheries industry is outlined
           in  a  special  INFOFISH  report  on  pages  22-37  in  this  issue  of  the  INFOFISH   rural producers in Mozambique, one of
           International.  Consequently,  the  Industry  News  below  will  mainly  contain   the  African  countries  most  affected  by
           references to other happenings in the industry, as well as market information up   climate changes.
           to January 2020 before the disruptions became evident.
                                                                               All-in-one website for
                                                                               Aquaculture Improvement
                                            tilapia,  researchers  from  University
                  AQUACULTURE               of  Edinburgh’s  Roslin  Institute  and  Projects
                                            WorldFish  discovered  that  selective
                                            breeding  to  produce  Tilapia  Lake  Virus   General   -   Sustainable  Fisheries
                                                                               Partnership  (SFP)  has  just  launched
                                            (TiLV)  resistant  strains  is  likely  to  be
          MOU with China to develop         effective  without  affecting  the  growth   its  Aquaculture  Improvement  Project
          aquaculture                       of the fish. According to CGIAR (led by   (AIP) Directory which is an open platform
                                            WorldFish), since its detection in 2014,   for  information  sharing  for  anyone
                                                                               active  or  interested  in  aquaculture
          Mexico/China –  Mexico’s  National  TiLV  has  ravaged  tilapia  populations  in   improvement projects.
          Fisheries  Institute  (INAPESCA)  reported  16  countries  across  three  continents.
          that  the  governments  of  Mexico  Clinical  signs  of  the  virus  observed  in
          and  China  signed  a Memorandum  representative tilapia include behavioral   SFP says that the directory currently lists
          of  Understanding  on  aquaculture  changes,  skin  damage  such  as  skin   five active AIPs in three countries (China,
          research.  The  plan  is  for  Mexico  to  erosion, discoloration, skin hemorrhages   Indonesia and Thailand) for two species
          have  an  aquaculture  industrial  park  and loss of scales, eyeball protrusion and   (shrimp  and  tilapia).  Other  active  AIPs
          that  generates  options  for  companies  abdominal swelling. There are currently   are invited to register on the website for
          dedicated  to  the  production  of  farmed  no  treatments  or  vaccines  for  TiLV.   free. The website also includes a range
          seafood.   Meanwhile,   INAPESCA  GIFT  tilapia  is  produced  in  at  least  14   of  resources  and  tools  to  support  new
          highlighted that the Gulf of Mexico and  countries, helping to reduce poverty and   projects. The organisation believes that
          the  Caribbean  have  an  extensive  and  hunger.                    AIPs  are  increasingly  important  for  the
          relatively shallow continental shelf which                           development  of  better  sustainability
          is conducive to farming  activity in cages                           practices  in  the  aquaculture  industry.
          and pens.                                                            The  AIP  Directory  will  be  a  one-stop
                                                                               shop  for  all  stakeholders  in  the  supply
          Super-intensive shrimp farm                                          chain.  It  also  aims  to  utilise  the  power
                                                                               of the private sector to promote positive
                                                                     Credit: FAO  changes towards  sustainability  through
          Qatar - The first super-intensive indoor
          shrimp farm in Qatar was launched  by   Eyeball protrusion is one of the signs of TiLV  necessary  policy  changes  and  making
          Blue  Aqua  International  (Singapore)                               improvement at farm and zonal level.
          and  Doha-based    ITQAN  Technologies.  IFAD support for agriculture

          The  facility,  which  includes  a  hatchery,  and fisheries
          grow-out  modules  and  a  microbiology                                       FISHING
          lab, has a production capacity of about   Mozambique -The Bank of Mozambique
          1 000 tonnes. While ITQAN will provide   and   the   International   Fund   for  New MOU signed with IPNLF
          the  operational  structure,  Blue  Aqua   Agricultural  Development  (IFAD)  have
          will  contribute  its  technical  knowledge   signed two agreements worth US$115.5
          on mixotrophic systems, green-to-clean   million  for  agriculture  and  fisheries.
          recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS),   The  US$43  million  agreement  for  the
          and AgroDome housing technology.   development of Small-Scale Aquaculture
                                            (PRO-DAPE),  aims  to  contribute  to          Credit:
          TiLV resistance breakthrough      the  improvement  of  living  conditions,
          announced                         food  security  and  resilience  to  climate   The Maldives - A new memorandum of
                                            change. The Value Chain Development in   understanding  (MoU)  has  been  signed
          General - In  a  study  published  in   the agriculture sector agreement, worth   between  the  International  Pole  &  Line
          the  journal  Aquaculture  using  GIFT   US$72.5 million, is intended to contribute   Foundation  (IPNLF)  and  NGO  Dhivehi
                                            to food security in critical regions of the   Masverin  (Maldives  Fishermen).  In

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