Page 53 - ii_3_2020
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//Industry Notes 5151
Initial strong start for seafood are further processed into canned tuna. predicted that Vietnamese tuna exports
sector In contrast, PNG’s fish exports to the are forecasted to grow by 15% in 2020
EU markets increased to about 41 000 (subsequently, this estimate had to be
Norway - According to the Norwegian tonnes (+10.8%) in January to November sharply downgraded due to the Covid-19
Seafood Council, the Norwegian seafood 2019 as compared to the same period in pandemic).
year started 2020 with a historically high 2018. This was largely due to the PNG-EU
level of January exports in terms of value Economic Partnership Agreement that Share in global seafood trade
(NOK 9.8 billion/US$1.05 billion, +15% allows PNG to access duty and quota set to rise by 2030
from January 2019). The growth in value free admission to the EU.
was seen in all regions, especially in India - In 2019, India exported
Asia. In January 2020, Norway exported New trade agreement for approximately 1.6 million tonnes of
84 965 tonnes of salmon to Asian markets duty-free exports fish and fishery products, a decrease
valued at US$141 million, an increase of of 19.54% as compared to 2018. The
10.72% in volume and 20% in value as EU/Solomon Islands - On 17th February government has called for efforts to
compared to the same month last year. 2020, the EU Council confirmed that the increase its share in global seafood trade
For whitefish, increased volumes and Solomon Islands would be part of the from the present 4.1% to 6.7% by 2030
prices of fresh products contributed interim Economic Partnership Agreement by increasing production, value addition
to growth in value. There was also an (EPA) between the EU and the African, and diversification. A vision document
increase in value for trout, herring and Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of has been made which involves a three-
mackerel. states. Under this EPA membership, the pronged strategy to promote the sector,
Solomon Islands will join Fiji and Papua increase productivity, expand area under
Seafood exports grow for New Guinea in being able to enjoy duty- cultivation and diversification of species.
third year in a row free exports to the EU. In the case of the Improvement in infrastructure, focus
Solomon Islands, this could include tuna on value addition, brand promotion
Peru - In 2019, seafood exports had risen loins and canned products produced in and increase in the number of trade
for the third consecutive year, amounting approved shoreline plants. The EPA will promotion offices would also go a long
to 1.81 tonnes and valued at US$3.5 start applying provisionally between the way in achieving the trade target.
billion. This was an increase of 9.9% in EU and Solomon Islands after they have
volume and 7% in value compared to completed their notification procedures, Export performance 2019
2018. The increase was due to higher likely by the end of March 2020.
shipments of fishmeal to the Chinese Sri Lanka - The fishery export figure for
market (which accounted for 70% of the Increase in tuna exports in 2019 increased to about 29 000 tonnes
total share) and frozen products (jack 2019 (+3.13%) compared to 28 160 tonnes in
mackerel and giant squid) to Spain and 2018, with the US dominating 12.85% of
South Korea, among others. Notably, Vietnam - Tuna exports to the US rose the market share followed by Italy and
South Korea took 1 506 tonnes of frozen to 38 417 tonnes (+38%) in 2019 as Taiwan at 8.5% and 6.7%, respectively.
jack mackerel in 2019 as compared to compared to 2018, with that country Exports to the EU markets such as Italy,
zero in 2018. remaining by far the biggest buyer of France, the United Kingdom, Germany
tuna. The huge increase was due to and Spain have improved tremendously
Export drops balanced by the US-China trade war, which caused over the years. Sri Lanka is one of the
increase to the EU American importers to look for sources main tuna producing island nations
other than China. Vietnam was the in the Indian Ocean. Skipjack tuna,
Papua New Guinea - Exports of fish and second largest tuna exporter to the US the main tuna commodity, is exported
fishery products from PNG decreased after Thailand. Vietnam’s tuna exports mainly frozen, while yellowfin tuna is
to 177 808 tonnes (-9.48%) between to ASEAN member countries rose by 7% exported in fresh/chilled form.
January to November of 2019 as to US$54 million, with Thailand and the
compared to the same review period Philippines being the two top buyers. In New export destinations
in 2018. Shipments to the two main the Middle East, Israel remained the top Iran - Iran exported about 43 000 tonnes
markets, Philippines and Thailand, make buyer of Vietnamese tuna, although its of fish and fishery products during
up 72% of the total fish exports from purchases fell by 42% to US$37 million. January-April 2019, a slight increase of
PNG. Philippines and Thailand are mostly The Vietnam Association of Seafood 3% from the same review period in 2018.
supplied with whole frozen tuna that Exporters and Producers (VASEP)
INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●