Page 6 - Ebook Descriptive Text_Neat
P. 6

Generic structure of Descriptive Text

                            1.  Identification:
                                This section, located in the first paragraph, aims to identify an object that
                                you want to describe. Identification serves to introduce to the reader about
                                the object that we will explain, before we tell about the object in more
                                detail in the next paragraph.

                             2.  Description:
                                Contains special characteristics possessed by the object, place, or person
                                being  described.  For  example, the  properties,  physical appearance,  and
                                other things that are written specifically.

                         Language Feature of Descriptive Text

                                There are lot of language Feature that can be use in writing descriptive
                         text. And there are some language seauture that can be use in writing a descriptive

                         1.  Using figurative language such as simile and metaphor.

                                            Have you use a figurative language?
                                            Sometimes we use figurative language in everyday life
                                            to express a meaning that we are feeling or seeing.

                                    Figurative language is the use of a word or expression with a meaning

                             in  which  there  is  a  difference  from  the  literal  interpretation.  In  this  case,
                             sometimes  figurative  language  uses  figurative  language  to  make  it  more
                             effective, persuasive, and influential.

                                    Describing  something,  usually  using  a  metaphor  to  provide  an
                             illustration to the reader.  For example: the girl is white as chalk, my love for
                             you is as massive because the ocean, my love for you is as wide as the ocean,
                             her skin is as white as snow. Her skin is as white because of the snow.

                  E-Book Descriptive Tect

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