Page 5 - Manzoor Momand_S812208009
P. 5

b. Designing Learning Outcomes: Explain how to design specific, observable,

                       and  achievable  learning  outcomes  that  reflect  the targeted  language  skills and

                       a. Defining Learning Objectives:
                       When setting learning objectives, it is important to formulate clear and measurable

                       statements that align with the desired language proficiency level. Here are some

                       steps to guide the process:
                   1.  Determine the language proficiency level: Identify the target proficiency level for

                       the learners, such as beginner, intermediate, or advanced. This will help establish
                       the starting point and the expected progress throughout the learning journey.

                   2.  Identify the language skills and competencies: Determine the specific language

                       skills that learners should develop, such as reading, writing, listening, speaking,
                       grammar, or vocabulary. Consider the relevant sub-skills and competencies within

                       each area.
                   3.  Use action verbs: Use action verbs to describe what learners should be able to do

                       to  demonstrate  their  language  proficiency.  Examples  of  action  verbs  include
                       analyze, describe, compare, write, listen, speak, and apply. These verbs should

                       be specific and observable.

                   4.  Make objectives measurable: Ensure that the learning objectives can be measured
                       or assessed to determine learners' progress and achievement. Use criteria such

                       as  accuracy,  fluency,  comprehension,  or  task  completion  to  provide  a  clear
                       benchmark for evaluation.

                       b. Designing Learning Outcomes:
                       Learning outcomes are specific statements that describe what learners will be able

                       to do after completing a language learning program or course. Here are some

                       guidelines for designing effective learning outcomes:
                   1.  Be specific: Learning outcomes should clearly state what learners will be able to

                       do, using concrete and observable language. Avoid vague or general statements

                       and focus on specific language skills, tasks, or knowledge.
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