Page 11 - October 2020 Traveler
P. 11

A Few Notes From Council

         We’re pleased to welcome Pastor Tim Kenyon to Trinity. His contract begins Oct. 1 and runs
         through Jan. 31, 2021. He will be responsible for finding supply pastors for Sundays when he

         will be unable to preach.

         The resignation of Jody Steinke was regretfully accepted, and Larry Judd was appointed to fill
         Jody’s term through the end of the year.

         The Re-entry Team continues to abide by the guidelines Trinity’s insurance company has put
         forth. Pastor Kenyon will join the team at the onset of his contract.

         Maureen shared information from a 26 member ZOOM with Bishop Clements and other
         Council Presidents. Thoughts taken away were: a large portion of Covid guidelines should fo-

         cus on keeping pastors safe, creativity is needed in keeping committees alive and working, if
         you move inside be prepared to move ‘out’ by Christmas, and thank your custodians.

         Larry Judd is going to pursue a lead regarding
                                                                               DON’T FORGET TO
         possible hail damage to the church roof.
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         Sharon will convene the Nominating Committee                 TRINITY’S POSTS ON FACEBOOK
         soon to begin the search for resigning/retiring

         Council members.
                                                                                More people see the

                                                                              post every time you do!

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