Page 12 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 12

Jimin Lee (‘17)
                A Century of

                      Art & Design

                                                                     “The aim of art is to represent not the outward

                                                     appearance of things, but their inward

                                                                                                                                                  - Aristotle

                                               a powerful tool which can        100th year of existence, Angela
                                               be used to examine endless       was approached by members
                                               subjects such as beauty, history,   of the Centennial Committee
                                               emotions, nature and even        about a special project. Would
                                               celebrations.                    she happen to know any alumni
                                                   For QMS Fine Arts Department   who might be interested
                                               Head, Angela Andersen, a         in designing concepts for
                                               vibrant and active artist in her   Centennial scarves and ties
                                               own right, the world surrounds   for the School to produce in
                                               her with creative inspiration.   celebration of this milestone?
                                               Whether it is capturing moss     She did.
                                               cascading down the trunk            Angela has remained in close
                                               and   innumerable    branches    contact with numerous QMS
                                               of a giant cedar tree within     alumni,  especially  in  the  field
                                               paint, or transferring art deco   of art and design, and was
                                               onto innovative materials and    confident that someone would
                                               fabrics, Angela has a talent for   be interested in taking on the
                                               seeing the power of colour,      project. What she did not count
                                               light, and shape within unique   on was the volume, quality
                                               contexts and subjects, and the   and heartfelt love embedded
                                               ability to share this vision with   in each and every submission.
                                               her students.                    “The  artists  I  contacted  range
                                                     As  QMS  drew  nearer  to  its   from apprentices to masters of

               YuChan (Nicole) Han (‘17)
               Aristotle is quoted as stating
               that,  “the  aim  of  art  is  to
               represent not the outward
               appearance of things, but
               their inward significance.” It is
               through the artistic process of
               reflection and exploration that
               assists us in discovering what
               events and experiences have
               been significant to each of us
               personally. Art (and its noted
               “functional”  twin-design)  is                       Chloe Chung (‘07)

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