Page 14 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 14

We would like to extend our
                                                                              deepest gratitude to the
                                                                              following QMS alumni for
                                                                              their gracious submissions
                                                                              of designs for the QMS
                                                                              Centennial Scarf/Tie Project.
                Lily Blazich (‘18)
                                  “QMS isn’t just a high school for me, but a   Chloe Chung (‘07) – BA Illustration
                                  significant part of my life. Everything I learned   and Master of Arts in Teaching, School
                                  and experienced back then influenced me      of Visual Arts (NYC)
                                  and shaped me into who I am today.”
                                  Yi-Shan (Irene) Chang (‘18)                 Yi-Shan (Irene) Chang (‘08) – BA
                                                                              Communication Design, Parsons the
                                                                              New School of Design (NYC)

                                                                              Felice Chap (‘12) – BA Architecture,
                                                                              University of Hong Kong and Master
                                                                              of Architecture, National University of
                                                                              Singapore (Singapore)

                                                                              Gigi Song (‘12) – BFA Interior Design
                                                                              and Master of Architecture, Pratt
                                                                              Institute (NYC)

                                                                              Cindy Ng (‘13) – BFA in Visual Arts and
                                          “Design inspired from the buildings   Art History, University of Victoria (BC)
                                          in QMS. Using lines and hatches to
                                          celebrate the beautiful landscape.”   Maria Fernanda Ramirez Coutiño
                                          Gigi Song (‘12)                     (‘14) – BA Social & Digital Marketing,
                                                                              University Iberoamericana (Mexico),
                                                                              studying Master’s in Social
               difference.   Our    students,                                 Universidad ORT (Mexico)
               families, staff and alum truly are
               our strength.”                                                 YuChan (Nicole) Han (‘17) – Studying
                 What more could a teacher,                                   Civil Engineering at
               fellow artist or educational                                   McGill University (QC)
               institution  ask  for  than  to
               know our community’s love is                                   Jimin Lee (‘17) – Studying Architecture
               reflected in the hearts, minds  Keep your eyes on all QMS social   at Western University (ON)
               and creative energies of our  media and online channels
               former students? Miss Denny  for the selected designs to be    Chloe Wan (‘17) – Studying
               and Miss Geoghegan would  announced in the near future!        Architecture at the
               be proud.                                                      University of Toronto (ON)

                                                                              Lily Blazich (‘18) – Studying at Emily
                                                                              Carr University of Art & Design (BC)
          “                                                                   Taylor McClement (‘18) – Studying

                  What more could a teacher, fellow artist or
                                                                              Illustration at Emily Carr University of
                  educational institution ask for than to know our
                                                                              Art & Design (BC)
                  community’s love is reflected in the hearts, minds
                  and creative energies of our former students?

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