Page 19 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 19


                SUSANNA CAI (‘20) & RAINIA ZHANG (‘20)

               Two of the strongest skills     I auditioned for entrance into   want to give up,” she admits.
               that   a   boarding    school   the school’s Vocal Program for   Her advice for future QMS
               can assist young people in      2020 and I was accepted. I       grads who want to head south
               building are independence and   even earned a scholarship!”      to study in America? “You have
               courage. For QMS graduates        For Susanna’s classmate and    to be positive all the time and
               Susanna Cai (‘20) and Rainia    fellow QMS boarder, Rainia,      you will find it hard. Just keep
               Zhang (‘20),  acquiring these   Boston’s lure came through her   in mind how much you want to
               strengths  through their time   desire to study communications   study in the US and you will get
               at  QMS  certainly  aided  them   and marketing. “I have always   there.”
               in   actualizing  their  own    wanted to study in the USA,”       Even  though  a  COVID-19
               paths, both aimed directly at   she explains. “Originally I had   global pandemic is impacting
               “Beantown,” aka Boston, MA,     considered film  production,     the girls’ smooth transition
               USA.                            but found the program outlines   to Boston, they both remain
                 Susanna shares that, prior to   to be too technical for what   positive  about  experiencing
               her arrival at QMS, she had no   I wanted, but, I really like    a full in-person launch of
               idea that music would become    communications and writing.      their studies in the Cradle
               her post-secondary subject      At the beginning of Grade        of Liberty. These classmates
               focus. She was not even sure    12, I discovered that Boston     intend to stay close friends as
               she wanted to attend university,   University’s  communications  their college campuses are in
               yet through immersing herself   program was listed as one of     close proximity to each other
               in the School’s music program,   the top in North America. It is   and the energetic restaurant
               she realized that singing was   a big city and that excited me.”  atmosphere will keep them
               her passion. By participating in    Zhang’s path to Boston U     entertained.
               everything from concert choir   would not be a smooth one         When asked what tip they
               to rock band and private piano   though, as a strong SAT score   would share with future grads,
               lessons, Susanna was hooked.    was  required for  entry. Rainia   these Boston bound alumni
                   When  she  learned  about  a   studied hard and wrote the    agree with each other—that
               music summer camp hosted        exam four times, earning         with a little courage and focus,
               by Berklee College of Music     her highest mark on her final    “you can do whatever you
               in Boston, Susanna enrolled.    attempt. “It almost made me      want!”
               “During the summer camp, I
               discovered the different genres
               of music I most enjoyed and
               met wonderful friends while
               I was there,” she smiles. “So,

                        You have to be positive all the
                        time and you will find it hard.
                        Just keep in mind how much you
                        want to study in the US and you
               “ will get there.

                                                                                                 CONNECTIONS 17
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