Page 6 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 6

Living & Learning
                                                                         “The QMS community is
                Through A                                                healthy
                                               Pandemic                             & strong!”

               HYEONGMIN (DAVID) KIM (’22)

               School days are happy times in
               young people’s lives and feed
               good memories to be enjoyed
               throughout our future. Recently,
               COVID-19 has changed our
               school lives considerably, but it
               remains a positive experience.
               This spring we have faced
               some new challenges. We
               stopped going to school and
               replaced  it  with  online  classes
               and it has also been a long time
               since we’ve seen our friends
               and teachers. However, not
               everything  has  been  bad.  I
               learned some valuable things                Let me tell you a little bit about   become interested in learning
               during this hardship.           what I did during the quarantine.   more languages. So, I’ve started
                 I didn’t realize before that   I love playing the piano! I have   to learn French on my own.
               school and friends are so       been playing for a few months    Learning new languages is
               indispensable. It has been      and I am at an intermediate      exciting and very interesting to
               quite difficult for me as I miss   level. I practised the piano every   me.
               everyone! Now that everyone is   day for 1 hour. It tends to restore
               gone, I realize how much I truly   my mind. I usually practice
               cherish their presence.  I’ve   Classical songs or New Age
               seen too many empty seats of    songs. During this pandemic
               friends and teachers in the last   period, the piano gave me a lot
               while! I realize their importance   of  comfort.  I  also  participated
               to me. Before this experience,   as Iran in QueenMUN held
               I took for granted the time     virtually at QMS. I couldn’t
               studying at school with friends,   meet with others and discuss, of
               but this pandemic has made      course, but I felt connected with
               me realize how happy and        everyone as I discussed and
               blessed it is to be able to study   exchanged opinions online.
               with classmates and instructors.   Furthermore,  I’ve  recently

              Why is attending school so important to us? I think it is because of the sense of community, a
              vital component and major motivations of life. I think school is not just a place to study, but a
              place where we all create relationships with friends and teachers. When I go back to school
              after this COVID-19 situation, I will reflect on the importance of school and friends once again
    “ and enjoy a happy life with increased gratitude. The QMS community is healthy and strong!
              Let’s all remember each other’s contributions and endure this time of social distancing well.
              We often discover what we value the most during difficult times.

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