Page 7 - QMSConnectionsMagazine-2020-21-digital
P. 7


               The COVID-19 pandemic has
               created many changes in my life
               these past few months. Online
               schooling has had its ups and
               downs, but the highlights of
               my distance learning have
               revolved  around  the  ways  I’ve
               been able to incorporate my
               extracurricular    community
               organizing activities into my
               Environmental Science class.
                  I am the leader of the
               Cowichan Valley Earth Guardians
               crew. We are a group of
               socially and environmentally
               aware youth who engage with
               our community to educate
               about and work on social  and
               environmental    issues.  The    is through my blog. Recently,   taken advantage of these
               pandemic     has   disallowed    I have written about how        online  opportunities  through
               organizing community events      COVID-19 is affecting climate   participation and presentation.
               and meeting with community       action, a resurgence of victory   The  pandemic   has   made
               members in traditional ways,     gardens and concern about       extracurricular     education
               consequently it has tested our   food   security  during   the   opportunities  more  accessible.
               creativity and resiliency as youth   pandemic and the need for a   Webinars are now occurring
               activists.                       green recovery from COVID-19.   daily and organizations are going
                 One way my group has           To learn more about the Fridays   the extra mile to make sure they
               continued to raise awareness     for  Future  digital  strike  and   continue to offer educational
               about  climate  change  is  by   other initiatives I am involved   opportunities despite COVID-19.
               participating in the Fridays     in, visit my blog Sowing Seeds   I  recently  presented  on  the
               for Future digital strike. Each    of  Change.    Education  about   subjects of youth in the climate
               Friday   we    take   pictures   the implications the pandemic   crisis  and  intergenerational
               of   ourselves  holding  signs   carries involving environmental   collaboration for the Centre for
               that  promote   climate   and    protection  is   essential  to  Global Studies at the University
               environmental action. I have     ensuring that the pandemic      of Victoria.
               also been taking advantage of    does not cause long lasting
               my time at home to do more       harm to our capacity to protect
               land based learning, such        ecological communities.
               as foraging and sharing my         While COVID-19 has been
               endeavours on social media.      cancelling in-person events,
               Another way I personally         many    events   have   been
               continue to raise awareness      moved    online.   Both   my
               about environmental issues       organizing  group  and I have

                          Continuing to make sure environmental and climate
                          issues stay in the spotlight despite the pandemic is
                          critical. As it has for decades, the time for climate
                          action remains now.

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