Page 21 - NorthamberCompass Magazine Issue 1
P. 21


       Image Quality          Advanced Features       Reliability and
       PaperStream IP software   Look for advanced features   Durability
       in conjunction with the   like automatic document   Mailrooms need
       RICOH fi-7900 scanner   separation, blank page   equipment that can
 Streamlining   ensures that a scanned   removal, and intelligent   handle constant use. The
                              image processing. The
                                                      RICOH fi-7900 scanner
       image is enhanced,
 your customer’s   and OCR optimised for   RICOH fi-7900 scanner   is known for its durability
       feeding into downstream
                                                      and reliability, ensuring
                              offers these features,
                                                      that it can withstand the
                              helping to streamline
       processes and ensuring
 Mailroom chaos!  critical accurate capture.  the scanning process   demands of a mailroom
                              and enhance document
       Connectivity and
       Integration            quality.                Scalability
       It’s important for     Ease of Use             As mailroom operations
 well-organised and efficient mailroom is the unsung hero of any organisation,
 A ilently ensuring the smooth flow of information and communication. Nestled   mailrooms to seamlessly   User-friendly interfaces   grow, it’s important to

 within the heart of a bustling corporate ecosystem, the mailroom serves as the   integrate the scanner into   and intuitive controls   have a scanner that can
 gatekeeper of crucial documents, correspondence, and parcels that crisscross   their existing workflow.   are important in a busy   scale with the business.
 the company’s daily operations. In this bustling epicentre of the corporate world,   The fi-7900 scanner offers   mailroom. The fi-7900   The fi-7900 scanner is
 documents take their first steps towards digital transformation.  various connectivity   scanner provides an   designed to meet the
       options and can be     easy-to-use interface and   evolving needs of a
 In this article, we will   Scanning Speed   integrated with document   customisable settings,   growing operation.
 delve into the inner   Mailrooms often handle   management systems,   making it accessible for all
 workings and importance   a high volume of   making it easier to process   operators.
 of a well-structured   documents, so scanning   and manage scanned
 mailroom setup within   speed is crucial. The RICOH   documents.
 an organisation shedding   fi-7900 scanner offers
 light on the hidden engine   scanning speeds of 140   In summary, the RICOH fi-7900 scanner is a strong choice for mailroom operations
 that keeps the wheels of   double sided pages per   due to its speed, versatility, image quality, connectivity options, advanced features,
 communication turning.  minute at up to 120,000   ease of use, reliability, and scalability. When considering this scanner, mailrooms can
 Mailrooms need   When a mailroom   documents per day.  be confident that it will help them efficiently manage their document scanning and
 equipment that   operation is choosing a   processing needs while maintaining high standards of quality and productivity.
 can handle   scanner, there are several   Document Types
 key considerations they
 constant use. The   should keep in mind.   Mailrooms deal with a
 variety of document types,
 RICOH fi-7900   Here are some important   including envelopes,   Special bundle now available...
 scanner is known   factors, along with how   letters, invoices, and more.
 a RICOH fi-7900 scanner
 for its durability   might be a good choice for   The fi-7900 scanner has   Get the market-leading production scanner,
 and reliability.  your customer’s mailroom.  the capability to handle   software, warranty and consumables bundle.
 diverse document sizes
                              •  The industry heavyweight fi-7900 (remanufactured)
 and types, including
 mixed batches, thanks to     •  PaperStream Capture Pro MVP license
 its advanced document        •  3 year extended service warranty
 feeding technology.          •  Quality consumables that last for
                               up to 12 million scans

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