Page 16 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 16

POULTRY PUNCH                                                                             NEWS

                            AVIAGEN INDIA RESEARCH


                       „  Udumalpet, India:  and quality control. And, the laboratory  “This  registration  adds  an  important
                  viagen®   India’s   Research  must  have  qualified  staff  engaged  dimension  to  Aviagen  India’s  role  in
                  Laboratory   was   recently  exclusively in R&D and headed by a full-  promoting India’s poultry industry.”
              Aofficially  recognised  as  a  time, qualified expert.
            Research  and  Development  (R&D)   Dr.  Kavitha  explained  that  the   About Aviagen
            facility by the Department of Scientific  laboratory was built in 2016 according   Aviagen® is a global poultry breeding
            &  Industrial  Research,  Ministry  of  to  a  design  specification  that  would   company  that  develops  pedigree  lines
            Science  &  Technology,  Government  of  enable  the  company  to  meet  India’s   for the production of commercial broiler
            India.                           R&D registration criteria.       chickens under the Arbor Acres®, Indian
            Road to certification success      “Aviagen  is  committed  to  poultry   River®,  and  Ross®  brand  names.  The
                                                                              Rowan  Range®  and  Specialty  Males®
              The  rigorous  certification  process   health  and  welfare,  and  has  extensive   are  specialty  breeding  stock  from
            was led by Aviagen’s Head of Veterinary   programs  and  procedures  in  place  to   Aviagen  that  offer  greater  flexibility
            Services  Dr.  Natarajan  Kavitha  and   take  good  care  of  our  birds.  While   for customers to meet specific or niche
            supported  by  Senior  Management   the  registration  and  qualification   market  requirements.  The  company  is
            Advisor  Dr.  Kandasamy  Udayasurian,   process  was  thorough,  detailed  and   based in Huntsville, Alabama, USA with
            who  guided  a  research  panel  that   complicated,  I’m  proud  to  say  we   a  number  of  wholly-owned  operations
            helped ensure the program’s success.   passed,” she commented.    across  the  United  Kingdom,  Europe,
              Paramount  to  certification  were   She  went  on  to  say  that  the   Turkey,  Latin  America,  India,  Australia,
            a  well-defined  and  structured  R&D   certification  also  allows  Aviagen  to   New Zealand, and the U.S.A., and joint
            program that leads to the development   extend  its  laboratory  research  to  real-  ventures in Asia. Aviagen employs more
            of   innovative   products   and/or   life trials in the field.   than 5,000 people and has a distribution
            technologies,  as  well  as  a  long-term   Dr. Bill Stanley, Aviagen’s Director of   network  serving  customers  in  more
            R&D  policy.  Other  qualifications   Global  Health  Monitoring,  joined  the   than 100 countries.
            included  a  separate  and  identifiable   Aviagen  India  team  in  congratulating   For  further  information,  please  visit
            R&D infrastructure that is separate from   Dr. Kavitha and Dr. Udayasurian on their
            other  operations  such  as  production   hard work that led to this achievement.

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