Page 21 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 21
North Carolina State University, USA:
eeding oregano essential oil
(OEO) to pullets during rearing
Fcan help to improve flock
uniformity, reproductive fitness and
feed efficiency, according to research
undertaken at North Carolina State
University in the USA.
Rearing healthy, high quality pullets
with a diverse and well-populated
gut microbiome is important for
lifetime performance. The complex gut
microbiome of poultry species plays Emma Lund Ken Anderson
a crucial role in digestion, nutrient
absorption and immune function. Early
establishment of a diverse microbiome specifically in body development with “High quality pullets are those which
population assists with intestinal crypt increased shank length and a higher are both robust and resilient, and a high
and villi development, two important rear quarter percentage”, explained quality flock is one in which all the pullets
intestinal structures associated with Dr Anderson. “Additionally, whilst are uniform in weight and achieve breed
feed digestion and nutrient absorption. body weight did not differ between targets for body weight,” explained Dr
North Carolina State University treatment groups as birds were grown Emma Lund, Anpario’s technical support
researcher, Dr Ken Anderson, undertook to breed guidelines, flock body weight coordinator.
a trial at the Piedmont Research Station uniformity was less variable in pullets “Meeting breed standards for body
in conjunction with feed additive supplemented with OEO”, he added. The weight, supports optimum skeletal
manufacturer Anpario, to determine trial also demonstrated optimised feed and muscular development which is
the effect of supplementing Orego-Stim efficiency in pullets offered OEO in the associated with improved performance
Powder (a source of 100% natural OEO) in diet, resulting in an improved FCR. during early lay. Issues which arise
pullet feed throughout rearing on pullet Improved flock uniformity and during the rearing phase can impact
performance and body confirmation. reproductive fitness at the start of lay bird’s overall lifetime performance and
Dekalb White chicks from day-old were in pullets fed Orego-Stim is expected to ultimately producer profitability,” said
allocated to one of two groups; either result in more consistent egg sizes and Dr Lund.
a control group with no additive in the improved lifetime performance. Orego-Stim is a 100% natural source
feed, or a treatment group offered feed “North Carolina State University is of oregano essential oil, which has a
supplemented with 300g of Orego-Stim currently undertaking a trial working in proven, broad-spectrum antimicrobial
per tonne of feed. conjunction with Anpario to determine effect as a result of its unique
“The results of the trial showed that to what extent managing early gut composition and the presence of non-
OEO supplementation had a positive health with Orego-Stim has on laying synthetic compounds such as carvacrol,
effect on pullet reproductive fitness, performance” states Dr Anderson. ρ-cymene and thymol.
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