Page 22 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 22

POULTRY PUNCH                                                                             NEWS



                         ALLAY CONCERNS OVER COVID 19

                    arch   2020:   With   the  and  maize  which  are  used  in  preparing  spreads primarily through contact with an
                    coronavirus  threat  generating  chicken feed have dropped.  infected  person  wherein  saliva  droplets
              Mpanic  among  the  masses  and   All  of  this  is  because  the  prices  of  generated from the mouth or nose during
            significantly  impacting  poultry  sales,  the  chicken have plunged to Rs 10-30 per kg at  coughing or sneezing are exchanged.
            poultry industry in India has sought to allay  farm gate level due to a slump in demand   It  is  important  that  people  do  not  fall
            concerns  over  the  disease’s  association  while the average cost of production is Rs  for false rumours and verify all such claims
            with chicken and other birds.    80 per kg as per All India Poultry Breeders  before believing in them,” said Dr Ramdas
              Union  Minister  of  Animal  Husbandry,   Association.  This  is  because  of  the  Kambale, Senior Vice President, Vetphage
            Dairying and Fishing has admitted that the  widespread rumors and fake news being  pharmaceuticals,  a  leading  provider  of
            poultry industry was losing Rs 1500-2000  circulated on social media platforms about  safe  and  antibiotic-free  bacterial  disease
            crore daily. Moreover, sales of companies  how eating chicken can cause coronavirus.  solutions for the poultry industry.
            that provide equipment to poultry industry   “Although Coronavirus is a serious health   In  a  viral  video  a  poultry  farmer  in
            like feeding systems, ventilators and water  threat, fake news and rumors about how  Karnataka was seen burying hundreds of
            systems  have  also  decreased  in  the  past  consuming chicken or other meat products  chickens alive after steep fall in prices due
            one month.                       can spread the dreaded disease are being  to coronavirus scare. The farmers whose
              Officials  from  poultry  feed  companies  spread. All such claims are baseless.  poultry batch is ready are worried as they
            have also admitted that sales of soybean   COVID 19 is a respiratory disease which  don’t know what to do with the matured

             22                                                                                     April, 2020
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